Awww – BLM Loots and Destroys a BLM Gas Station – IOTW Report

Awww – BLM Loots and Destroys a BLM Gas Station

How does it feel, sugar?

26 Comments on Awww – BLM Loots and Destroys a BLM Gas Station

  1. I thought all the Circle K’s were extinct, we haven’t had one around here for years. To me they were always 2nd rate 7-11’s and usually located in poor neighborhoods. We also called them Stop and Robs because they were always being held up at gunpoint.

  2. Bless her heart

    Typical of what I expect from Democrats. It’s ok to destroy other people’s businesses. She got only half of what she deserved, since she was a participant in the riots she was complicit in the loss. I hope her insurance underwriter understands that.

  3. I couldn’t make out some of what she said. Did she actually say she was a BLM supporter because not all blacks support those grifter, rioting, thieving, gang banging thugs in fact I’d suggest that after they started rioting and looting most blacks are against them although it would be nice if they stood up. In any event if she’s not a supporter then this is a awful thing to happen to someones business/livelyhood.

    On another note I wonder how many insurance contracts have clauses that will decline payouts due to floods, acts of God, war or civil insurrection which a riot would most definitely be.

  4. Fuck that fat sheboon. She was quite happy to watch other people’s businesses being robbed, burned and looted. The chickens are coming home to roost, fatty, why don’t you makes some fried chicken and STFU.

  5. She supported them until they turned on her.
    What’s that saying about a liberal who is pro-gun control until they are robbed and then all-of-a-sudden are pro-gun?
    Hopefully this will be a true turning point in her belief system so that she understands the difference between Constitutionalism and Communism; and why the former should totally devastate the later.

  6. Stalin offed a list of his friends once when he mistakenly gave itto an aide who handled executions. When informed of the executions, he shrugged and said “No matter, I would be getting around to them sooner or later.”

  7. Wiredog1837 SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 AT 1:54 PM
    “Geoff,they are building Circle Ks all over Colorado Springs. I prefer Kum & Go or as we call them, Nut & Bolt.”

    …back when there were such things as “newspapers” and “insane asylums”, I once read of a headline writer who took a story about a mental patient who got out of his cell, raped a nurse, then escaped and sold a LOT of papers by bannering it with “NUT SCREWS AND BOLTS”.

    …pretty close to what you said, even if the words themselves are somewhat differently used…

  8. In Arizona, you can’t trip over one Circle K without falling on another. In some areas, they are quite literally across the street from each other. QT is giving them some competition though.

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