Awww…McCain bumps Omarosa off the headlines – IOTW Report

Awww…McCain bumps Omarosa off the headlines

Patriot Report: Well, whoever had “two weeks” in the “How long before Omarosa falls off the radar” pool, time to collect your winnings.

Between the Manafort trial, Michael Cohen’s guilty plea and the death of John McCain, Omarosa has all but disappeared from the news.

Sheesh. Even Stormy Daniels had a longer shelf-life than Omarosa.

Which means one of two things will happen.

Either Omarosa will quietly fade away like a bad rash.

Or, she’ll make some over-the-top, outrageous claim just to get her mug on television again.

And I’m thinking she’ll do the latter.

If I had to guess, I think Omarosa will find some way to hitch her wagon to either the Mueller investigation or the Democrats’ desire to impeach the President.

Because Miss Manigault is in this for the spotlight.  more here

11 Comments on Awww…McCain bumps Omarosa off the headlines

  1. There are dozens of Signs in My Neighborhood for a Guy named Daniels

    running for one of the obscure seats in Monroe County

    I’m itching to stencil “Stormy” at an angle above His name..

  2. She will find a way. However, she faces an uphill battle because the race baiters at MSNBC and CNN have blackballed for working for Trump in the first place.

    And for all their bluster, if Trump was 1/10th the dictator they make him out to be, would she still be talking? If this was Hillary in office right now, we would be reading Omarosa’s signed suicide note.

  3. Hey MJA — Wouldn’t it be kinda fun to do a prediction game based on what we *think* will be the next headline? Something along the line of the Weekly World News headlines. Instead of guessing how long current bad actors and Fake News will be in the media, we could put on our creative thinking hats and guess at what other people/scandals will be making the Fake News.

    Just a thought. Could be entertaining.


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