AZ: Ducey Says He Won’t Run for US Senate in 2022 – IOTW Report

AZ: Ducey Says He Won’t Run for US Senate in 2022

Gateway Pundit:

Stupid, but not that stupid.
Governor Doug Ducey told the far-left New York Times this weekend that he does not intend to run for the US Senate race in 2022.

Ducey is famous for signing off on what many thousands of Arizonans believe was a fraudulent and stolen election in the state in November. more

13 Comments on AZ: Ducey Says He Won’t Run for US Senate in 2022

  1. If he’s not running, it means he’s also planning to do nothing in the way of election reform. I expect Governor Kemp to be announcing his retirement after his term, too.

    Let’s see where these two quislings go after they bail.

  2. The CCP has made previous arrangements for them to retire from “public service” to a comfortable lifestyle.
    These two are just a couple examples of the turncoat scum that are hastening the collapse of the republic.

  3. “AZ: Ducey Says He Won’t Run for US Senate in 2022”

    We’re going to hear a lot of this from both sides. Both don’t know whether to $hit or go blind. Dicey 🙂 is going to spend the next 2 years getting his act together to see what he plans to do for a living the rest of his life. He’s 56 years old, kinda late in life to switch careers. He sees the handwriting on the wall and so does the American public. The Repugs are done.

  4. Why would this miserable puke make this announcement? Did I miss the large gatherings across the state demand he do so?
    Everywhere we turn the so called leaders in this country demonstrate their complete detachment from reality.

  5. The light of truth and transparency is the best disinfectant to clean the scum out of the toilet bowl.

    Either that or he is going into political rehab and re-branding, hoping that the voters have a short memory in 2022. Politicians are such sleazeballs.

  6. We can’t stand this guy, he knows his job was done when he stabbed President Trump in the back.

    Jeff Flake and Doug Douchebag are made from the same cloth, so hopefully his political career should be null and void just like the Flakester.


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