AZ : Report Challenges Key Details Of Democrat Kyrsten Sinema’s Homeless Upbringing – IOTW Report

AZ : Report Challenges Key Details Of Democrat Kyrsten Sinema’s Homeless Upbringing

Daily Caller – Arizona Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, who is neck-and-neck in her bid to flip Republican Sen. Jeff Flake’s seat blue, might have embellished on key details surrounding her homeless upbringing, according to a New York Times report.

Since announcing her bid for Senate, Sinema has frequently pointed to her impoverished childhood during which she claims she lived for about three years in an abandoned gas station in Florida without running water or electricity.

“First we lost our car, then we lost our home,” Sinema says in an ad. “For nearly three years, we lived in an old abandoned gas station without running water or electricity. Sometimes we didn’t have enough food to eat, but we got by, thanks to help from family, church and sometimes even the government. Those were tough times, but I knew it could be different. I never believed that being homeless was going to stop me from being who I wanted to be.”

But court documents obtained by TheNYT reveal that Sinema’s mother and stepfather had provided a judge with records detailing monthly payments they made for electricity, phone and gas bills during that time.

Sinema did not have an answer when asked by TheNYT why her stepfather made payments for power and gas, nor did she address directly whether she had ever embellished details about her upbringing in the Florida gas station in the mid-1980s.

“Oh gosh, I don’t have an answer for that,” Sinema said. “That’s not something a little kid would hear about from her parents.”

“I’ve shared what I remember from my childhood. I know what I lived through,” Sinema added. Her family moved out of the gas station when she was 11.  more here

15 Comments on AZ : Report Challenges Key Details Of Democrat Kyrsten Sinema’s Homeless Upbringing

  1. I’m in AZ. During the Kenyan years there were plenty of CA plates driving here. After voting for free shit for everyone in CA it got too expensive so they moved here to fundamentally transform this great state to the shithole they left. They’re fucking cockroaches.

  2. @riverlife_callie September 26, 2018 at 1:35 am

    > What’s wrong with Arizona?

    Just because John McCain’s joined the choir invisible, doesn’t mean Glioblastoma’s not still in charge.

  3. Where is this abandoned gas station? Where did she get water, etc? Where did she use the restroom? Was she in school at this time? Are there any corroborating witnesses?

    Smells fishy. I mean the story smells fishy.

  4. @Anon ..

    I suspect John McCain joined Hell’s Brigade.

    If I lived in a Gas Station with AC and running water, I could say – “It’s Not a HOME, It’s a Gas Station”.


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