B.D.F (Baby Daddy Free) – IOTW Report

B.D.F (Baby Daddy Free)

Florida Standard

A new song that features a woman rapping about “murdering” the baby in her womb set social media ablaze this week. Artist Tnfw Nique’s single “B.D.F. (Baby Daddy Free)” is a spinoff of GloRilla’s breakout hit “F.N.F.” which some celebrities are calling “song of the year.” In “F.N.F.,” short for “fuck n***a free,” GloRilla celebrates her status as a single woman, liberated from the commitment and emotional burden of an unfaithful partner. More

watch this stomach-turning garbage. Here

21 Comments on B.D.F (Baby Daddy Free)

  1. “how in hell do you pronounce “Tnfw””

    I think it’s pronounced,”D-U-M-B-A-S-S”, but I have to admit that whenever I go into any big city I have to use Google Translate on my phone.

    “GloRilla”……….the jokes just write themselves.

  2. To all the people with BLM signs. Guess what? Evidently Black Lives Don’t Mean Shit to any prog who doesn’t think there is value in exploiting them to advance their own agenda.

  3. “Artist”?

    I say, I say, Horse Shit Sir! (in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn)

    I can Piss my name in the snow after 13 beers.
    Therefore, I demand to be called Artista!

  4. …between “songs” like W.A.P and real lyrical jems like THIS…

    “Yo, I never fucked Wayne, I never fucked Drake
    All my life, man, fuck’s sake
    If I did I menage with ’em
    And let ’em eat my ass like a cupcake
    My man full, he just ate, I don’t duck nobody but tape
    Yeah, that was a set up for a punchline on duct tape
    Worried bout if my butt fake
    Worried ’bout y’all niggas, us straight

    I never fucked Nicki ’cause she got a man
    But when that’s over then I’m the first in line
    And the other day in her Maybach

    I never fucked Nick’ and that’s fucked up
    If I did fuck she’d be fucked up
    Whoever is hittin’ ain’t hittin’ it right
    ‘Cause she actin’ like she need dick in her life”
    Song by Nicki Minaj

    (the “music” is actually WORSE)


    …I genuinely don’t know how these people can EVER expect to be happy, or even taken seriously.

    But if they hold their OWN life so cheap, its not surprising that they’d hold the life of a baby that they accidentallied while scratching a pubic itch with someone they didn’t care about even CHEAPER.

    If genitals and their use and the destruction of the consequences are all you have to sing about, you have my pity.

    From afar.

    Because I sure as hell don’t want to hear your filth, and I have no idea why anyone ELSE would ever want to.

    Don’t expect others to respect you when you have no respect for yourself, or even for life.

    Because sooner or later, the inconvenience someone kills out of their life…may be YOU.

  5. In case anyone hasn’t figured it out yet. Niggers are vile, demonic filth of the worst order. And we’re trained every day to tolerate their repulsive, evil bullshit or risk losing our stations in life. That’s the only reason we’re not driving this filth back into the swamps where they belong.

  6. Seriously, a large number of black Americans suffer from untreated mental illness, especially the brainwashed inner-city hoodrats, including the rapper who think this evil, sick degenerate “song” is liberating.

    This is the result of generations of indoctrination by Democrats aka Marxists of the so called black community.
    Consequently, black Americans walked away from Godly principles and turned to tribal hetenism. Eventually, self destruction becomes a perverted badge of honor.

    At this rate it won’t be long before black Americans will have the lowest population of any ethnic group in America.

    BTW, God’s not happy with this, despite people who believe eliminating black people would make the world a better place.
    Note God created black people. He wants better for them than what they’ve done to themselves.

  7. Thanks, Fritz the Cat. Black Americans are a harbinger. An example of what can happen to any ethnic group who become Godless or ignore His principles/wisdom. So called Native/Indian Americans are in the same boat.

    Black Americans have been given the same opportunities as every American and despite their self hate and debauchery, they are the most prosperous black people in the world.
    God is merciful, yet black Americans are accountable for their actions according to God.

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