B52s Fly Over All 30 NATO States In A Day – IOTW Report

B52s Fly Over All 30 NATO States In A Day


Six US Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bomber aircraft are overflying all 30 NATO Allies on Friday (28 August 2020), training together with Allied air forces. As four US strategic bombers fly over Europe and two over North America for this long-planned event, named “Allied Sky”, they will be accompanied by around 80 fighter aircraft from across the Alliance, providing an opportunity to boost Allies’ ability to train and operate alongside each other. More

20 Comments on B52s Fly Over All 30 NATO States In A Day

  1. Way cool.

    I don’t know if They still do it…But during Team Spirit in the ROK, We used

    to Fly every single Aircraft in the PACAF (Pacific Air Force) right at the

    DMZ….It was a Squadron 7 Miles wide…and 150 Miles long…Breathtaking .

  2. THE DRIVE has video of cocky Russky fighter pilots struttin’ their stuff dangerously close to a BUFF. Don’t understand why our BUFFs are not escorted by F-22s. Russky fighter pilots would tone things down a bit after seeing Raptors in their rear view mirrors. Such situations gave rise to the expression ‘shit and git.’ RTB in a fresh pile of Pelosi must be pleasant.

  3. I always liked BUFF. Even though there were Blackbirds stationed at BealE AFB when we were there ~ 1966. I always looked forward to the days when we could get close to the BUFFs

  4. Interesting factoid about the Blackbird: The pilots that flew the SR-71 had to be married because they were less likely to defect to the USSR. Single males are more likely to defect since there is nothing holding him back, especially if the co-pilot is also single male.

  5. Was at March AFB in the 70’s. SP. Spent much time around these. Took my little daughter to the air museum and took pictures of her next to the B-52 there 43 years later.

  6. I live underneath the air pattern for Fairchild AFB about 20 miles West of Spokane, back in the 70’s and 80’s when Fairchild was a SAC base the B 52’s would fly directly over my house, you always knew when a BUFF flew over because of how loud they were. In May of 1994 just prior to the annual airshow at Fairchild a nimrod B52 pilot decided to do aerobatics in a B52, taking the B52 straight up as hard as it could go and plummeted right straight back down into the ground killing the pilot and the aircrew. I saw the smoke from that explosion while driving West on the North side of Spokane on my way home. For whatever reason and God only knows this hotdog pilot tried to do things a B52 is not capable of and he ended up buying the farm for his idiotic mistake. It was also the same weekend that there was a mass shooting at Fairchild when a disgruntled former airman went on a shooting spree and killed 7 people and almost killed a very good friend of mine who was pushed out of the way at the last second miraculously. An Air Force security guard shot the bastard right thru the middle of his eyes with a 9 millimeter pistol from about 100 yards away getting off the shot of a lifetime killing that asshole before he could kill anyone else. It was a bad weekend that year at Fairchild and the airshow was canceled.

  7. geoff the aardvark AUGUST 30, 2020 AT 8:03 PM

    I was at Survival School about ten days after that crash. The plane hit the ground beside the primary classroom Scared the crap out of them. Good training I guess.

    I love the BUFF!

  8. @walpurgis
    20 years ago this October, I spent a first date with a man who later became my husband.
    Our first date was to the air museum at March ARB.
    We live about 12 miles away in Riverside, CA. Whenever we hear “the sound of freedom” overhead, we look to the skies and watch. God bless our military and God bless our country.

  9. As a photo interpreter at SAC Headquarters, part of my job was to scour satellite imagery of the USSR and China looking for SAM sites so the B-52’s wouldn’t overfly one on the way to their targets. It was very rewarding work.

  10. While my Dad was stationed at Ramstein we (schoolkids) got a tour of a B-52 – and that be one cramped mo-fo for as humongous as it is! I thought it’d be like the spaceships in the movies, I guess … y’know, expecting room to walk around and desks and stuff (I was about 8 at the time). There was a catwalk through the bomb-bays where you had to crawl on all fours. Scary imagining having to traverse that area at 50,000 ft. with the bays open.

    izlamo delenda est …


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