Babbitt Killer Cleared by “Internal Investigation” – IOTW Report

Babbitt Killer Cleared by “Internal Investigation”

42 Comments on Babbitt Killer Cleared by “Internal Investigation”

  1. Would expect nothing less.

    There is nothing that encapsulates the rot and corruption of our justice system more than this white wash of an investigation.

    Ashli’s family deserves better, we deserve better. The nascent chant ,”No justice, no peace” was never more relevant.

  2. Capitol Police are under the control of Nancy Pelosi.
    Internal Investigation. Cover-up.
    A grand Jury should be summoned to review the evidence and whether not it was legal use of force.
    He should be fired, indicted and prosecuted without political interference or influence.
    Another failure of the two tiered Justice in the Biden administration.

  3. Soooooo……….if he’s been exonerated and found INNOCENT (koff! hack!), there should be NO problem with releasing his name, right?

  4. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS
    “…one wonders if he would be so easily exonerated were the races reversed…”
    Only if he shoved fentanyl up his ass, and said, “I can’t breath.”

  5. Ashli’s family will get some solace when the Ashli Babbitt Memorial gets built and the new “Ashli Babbitt Policing Act” gets passed by Congress.

    I do like the T-shirt idea, but not with his picture on it, not provocative enough. No, I prefer one of those ,”Say her name” with a picture of Ashli on it, sure to get conversations started.

  6. In the rest of the country it doesn’t work that way, police offices aren’t allowed to investigate themselves and then it’s up to the DA whether charges will be filed.
    More of that different justice for different folks.

    The best thing that could ever happen to this country is a huge meteor hits D.C. while all elected and non-elected government are there.

  7. So now internal operations can investigate murders committed by its own people with no outside over site, Judge or investigation??? Can I do that?? Asking for a friend.

  8. I find it some what ironical that the CIA trained Taliban have better trigger finger discipline than Michael Leroy Byrd.
    What a world. You can’t make this shit up.

  9. He killed in an armed person he was not in any danger , or threat of serious bodily harm ,the woman did not have a weapon she was surrounded by officers who could have stopped her anytime they felt like it ….no policeman in the United States of America would shoot an unarmed person who is several feet away posing no real threat or bodily harm other than trespassing…. What am I missing here ???????f

  10. Hitler’s SS and Stalin’s NKVD also did “internal” investigations into alleged wrongdoings – so we can be sure the Capitol Police’s is all on the up-and-up – like it was with those other guys.
    (I believe the GESTAPO investigated itself, also)

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Stand your ground doesn’t apply to the cop??? How about self-defense? How about defending his castle?

    All who say that Ashli Babbitt was murdered are arguing against self-defense, standing your ground and defending your home.

    What are you going to do when a stranger with a backpack on comes through a window in your house? Going to wait to see what’s in the backpack? Good luck with that.

    Ashli made a horrendous decision to enter through a broken window after seeing that the doors were barricaded.

  12. “How about defending his castle?”

    Only applicable if he owns the property.
    He doesn’t.

    As for “self defense” – there was NO threat. PERIOD. She was un-armed and on the floor, shot from above.

    izlamo delenda est …


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