Baby Daddy Murders Four In Indy After Demanding Share Of COVID Check – IOTW Report

Baby Daddy Murders Four In Indy After Demanding Share Of COVID Check


Her family said Jeanettrius Moore worked hard at a beauty supply shop to support herself and two little girls and appreciated the most recent $1,400 stimulus check issued to help Americans recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The father of her youngest baby, Malik Halfacre, thought he should get half.

“He wanted some of Jeanettrius’ tax money, stimulus money,” said Wendy Johnson, a cousin who heard Jeanettrius’ account of what led up to a quadruple murder in a house in the 300 block of Randolph Street Saturday night. “She had just got her money, and he wanted half of her money.

“She said, ‘No, you don’t deserve any of this. I work. I take care of our child. You don’t do anything.’ More

22 Comments on Baby Daddy Murders Four In Indy After Demanding Share Of COVID Check

  1. National unity. Let Joe Biden’s national healing begin.
    I don’t need to explain it. This is the dysfunction the democrats have engineered. Feral rejects fighting over scraps.

  2. Well his thinking was if baby momma don’t hand it over then she isn’t going to get any of it either or the relatives. I told DH that it was a win-win for society. None of them will be breeding again, no more stimulus checks for them, welfare, reparations, and the perp and his prison mate Bubba will enjoy each other’s company. Apparently black lives don’t matter to any of them.

  3. @Anonymous

    That is exactly what I thought. Imagine the death toll over $25,000 reparation checks.

    On the other hand AOC will argue that none of this would have happened with a $20 min wage and BIGGER stimulus checks.

  4. no need to read the article to figure these folks out
    beauty supply – check
    baby daddy – check
    sense of entitlement – check
    first name > 5 syllables – check

    obviously these losers are democrats

  5. You have to get to just about the end of the article before you get the quote the media wanted out of this tragedy.

    Was it a justice system to blame for releasing this man too early, a man who was jailed shooting another man? No

    Was it single parenthood / irresponsible male culture in the urban poor black community at fault? No

    Was it issuing checks hither and yon without consideration of the consequences to some who might be victimized for their free money? No

    It was “gun violence” that the relative blamed for the deaths of four family members, none of whom returned fire.

    You read the article, they knew this person was dangerous and probably armed at all times. Did they prepare in anyway for what this violent person might do if challended? Doesn’t seem like it when the nephew tried to physically prevent Halfacre from rifling the momma’s purse.

    Either fully cooperate or shot him, but don’t provoke a bastard who’s most likely carrying a weapon.

  6. Anyone else notice that she ran away when he went inside the house, leaving her child in the car that he was clearly going to drive away in?

    She saved herself but left the child to fend for himself with a person who had just killed people…….

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