“Baby Lives Matter” Mural Painted In Front of Planned Parenthood, Removed Ten Hours Later – IOTW Report

“Baby Lives Matter” Mural Painted In Front of Planned Parenthood, Removed Ten Hours Later

Dan Bongino:

Many cities nationwide, most notably Washington, D.C. and New York City, have painted “Black Lives Matter” murals on their streets.

One would think two could play at that game, but sadly, Leftist “tolerance” only works in one direction.

The mural has already been desecrated and erased to an extent

6:16 PM · Jul 18, 2020

On Friday night in Salt Lake City, Utah, an artist named Tayler Hansen worked on his own mural, “Baby Lives Matter,” in front of the local Planned Parenthood office. more

13 Comments on “Baby Lives Matter” Mural Painted In Front of Planned Parenthood, Removed Ten Hours Later

  1. Peaceful protest!! And don’t bring in the rare and anecdotal violence against PP. Unless, of course, you are willing to tell me that blm and anitfa don’t do anything violent by much larger numbers.

  2. Oh, but the women who painted over the BLM road grafitti got arrested. And aren’t there a LOT of black babies aborted every day? Apparently those black lives are inconvenient and don’t matter. Got it.

  3. As of now the only lives that appear to matter anywhere in the world are black lives! No wonder the worlds population is in declining health both physically and mentally!

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