With Skulls Of Her Enemies
Babylon Bee: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Melania Trump is causing controversy yet again, this time for decorating the White House with the skulls of her decapitated enemies.

While past first ladies have decorated the White House with traditional Christmas wreaths, trees, holly, and lights, Trump opted to mount the heads of her slain foes throughout the executive residence “as a warning.”
“Did she go too far?” one pundit on CNN pondered. “I gotta say, these heads don’t exactly say ‘peace’ and ‘love’ like a good, old-fashioned wreath would, you know?” MORE
h/t forcibly deranged
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the
lamentation of their women
LOL Sounds like something one would hear on CNN.
That is pretty darn funny. I would like to be able to think of stories like that. The best I can do is laugh when I see them.
The music I like even more than ‘Oh Come All Ye Faithful’ are the wails of liberals as conservative judge after conservative judge gets placed onto the federal benches.
Wait until you see her new Christmas jewelry.
She had the family jewels of her enemies gold plated and crafted into a lovely
pair of dangle earrings with a matching necklace. Watch for them!
Still, not as “fake” as the REAL Fake News!
so not true. And yet it is. She’s merciless and beautiful.
LOVE Melania!
What a woman.
** While past first ladies have decorated the White House with traditional Christmas **
Nobody complained when Hillary decorated trees with penis ornaments….or even remembers.
Not enough skulls! I’d like to see fresh ‘socialist commie idjet’ heads. So many to choose from.
Maybe Christmas Tree ornaments depicting Mueller, Pillosi, Chucky the Clown, Maxmiuth Waters too many to name. The Witch Hunters’ Christmas Tree.
One of Melania’s ancestors was Vlad Dracul, AKA Vlad the Impaler. You know those eastern Euros are a violent bunch. They never forget a slight or an insult, even 600 years later.
Look at the picture – blood red rugs, skulls, she’s wearing a black cape. Tellin’ ya, she’s a man eater and a lady vampire. She’s got long fingers and slanted wicked eyes. Keep away from her.
…you’re gonna have to use some OTHER part of a liberal for a trophy, the head is generally pointy and empty, typically has no involvement in anything they do, and they still vote Democrat even without it…
Where was CNN in 1993 when the Clinton WH decorated trees with condoms? True story.
Well it shouldn’t be a surprise they criticize her, unconsciously they are making a comparison to the grotesque primitive beast that was led away a year and a half ago.
Try as they might they just couldn’t put lipstick on that pig.
“Oh come let us adore her! Oh come let us adore her. Oh come let us adore herrrr, FLOTUS the gift…”