Babylon Bee Offers Free Advice to Kamala on How to Handle Different Audiences – IOTW Report

Babylon Bee Offers Free Advice to Kamala on How to Handle Different Audiences

At this point in the race, Kamala has made it abundantly clear that she is willing and able to deploy literally any accent under the sun she believes will win her votes. You may be wondering: how in the world does she do it?

Well, never fear, for we public servants at the Babylon Bee have conducted a thorough journalistic investigation and discovered Kamala’s top-secret notes for how to address each crowd she encounters. Take a look! More

11 Comments on Babylon Bee Offers Free Advice to Kamala on How to Handle Different Audiences

  1. I’m still trying to figure out how that fake southern accent was supposed to appeal to Detroit sheep.
    We are nowhere near the south. I suppose putting on a fake Indian accent would be a little too far over the line.
    Being in Whitmer territory, speaking Lizard would have been most appropriate.


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