Back from deployment – IOTW Report

Back from deployment

15 Comments on Back from deployment

  1. Happy.
    I am also sad, thinking of the thousand of children who lost parents who chose to serve. God bless the children, spouses, family and friends who bear the burden of the loss.

  2. Those reunions always put tears in my eyes.

    What these troops and families go through is hard to comprehend.

    Thank you for your sacrifice.

    The ones who don’t get the reunion are even more difficult to watch.

  3. So wonderful. Little boys can be sweet and caring, despite the stereotype of toughness.
    The video is even more poignant given the fact so many young black American boys don’t have in the home, loving fathers that deserves that kind of love.

  4. Second semester of the seventh grade, I would stay after my last period science class to help the teacher clean up. The class was in a portable classroom. One day as the teacher and I were leaving, my brother came screaming up on my bike to tell me that my father was home from Viet Nam. I doubt I ever ran home from school as quickly as I did that day.

  5. Somebody, anybody explain to me why single moms are a great leap forward according to the left. Why are dads discounted?
    The cry of that little boy when he says DADDY! broke my heart.
    G_d bless all that served and are serving…

  6. “The cry of that little boy when he says DADDY! broke my heart.”
    F4UCorsair, that choked me up, too. I got teary-eyed.

    Your rhetorical question makes a great point. Mothers are not fathers. For a boy raised in a single parent home with his mother only, no matter how great she is, just can’t replace the relationship he would have with a father. A boy’s identify and stability as a male is directly connected to his father. A boy’s psyche is more fragile than a girl’s.
    If that connection with a father doesn’t exist or is warped, boys will find other male companionship good or bad, anywhere it’s found.


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