Bad Driver or Something Else? – IOTW Report

Bad Driver or Something Else?

Blaze: A driver fatally struck a 28-year-old Maryland man northeast of Washington, D.C., over the weekend. A doorbell camera caught the suspect add posthumous insult to injury — casually exiting his car, yanking Franklin Membreno Mendez’s body out of his windshield, then driving away.

Price George’s County Police Department indicated that the victim was mowed down early Saturday morning.

Investigators determined that Mendez had been involved in an unrelated minor accident in the 8900 block of Annapolis Road. He is believed to have been struck after exiting his car to check the initial damage, becoming “lodged in that car’s windshield.”

The suspect then drove roughly 2.6 miles with the victim’s body dangling out the front window before stopping, smoking a cigarette, then dumping the body. more

10 Comments on Bad Driver or Something Else?

  1. Speaking of woodchippers… sounds like the opening of Fargo, Season 2 of the TV series.
    Seasons 1 & 2 are great BTW, the next two decent but not great. A fifth is due out soon, with Jody Foster.

  2. Nothing new. Chante Mallard did a similar act when she hit Greggory Glenn Biggs. Hollywood created the video hit and run, but thought it better to race swap the victim and villain base on this crime.


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