Bad News For Liberals- Center Right Party Crushed Opposition in Ontario – IOTW Report

Bad News For Liberals- Center Right Party Crushed Opposition in Ontario

‘We have taken back Ontario’: Doug Ford leads PCs to majority government.


Led by Doug Ford, Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives have secured a majority government, ending nearly 15 years of Liberal power in the province.

The NDP will form the Official Opposition, while the embattled Liberals were handed a historic rebuke from voters, losing the vast majority of their seats at Queen’s Park with their lowest-ever share of the popular vote.

Shortly after results were announced, Kathleen Wynne revealed she will resign as Liberal leader, as the Grits failed to pick up the eight seats necessary to maintain official party status.

Buoyed by Ford — a one-term Toronto city councillor and businessman — the PCs ran a populist campaign long on commitments but short on fiscal details, promising a tax cut for the middle class and corporations and a drastic reduction in the price of hydro and gasoline.

The PCs were the only party that did not release a fully costed platform prior to election day.

Riding a wave of entrenched anti-Liberal sentiment, the Tories managed to win 76 seats, up from the 27 they held when the campaign kicked off in May.

10 Comments on Bad News For Liberals- Center Right Party Crushed Opposition in Ontario

  1. Notice how the CBC was telling everyone how ill-prepared the Conservatives are.

    What is it about broadcasters that are subsidized by the government that make them so full of bovine excrement?

  2. The sissy boy is finding out that despite all the splash from the press, his countrymen don’t care for his idiotic leftist pap. People want a good standard of living not the despair his ideology brings.

  3. Live in Northern Ontario. Lots of people I spoke with after the last election were thrilled to have so many women in major leadership positions, especially Wynne, who has turned out to be the Obama of Ontario — the people who work and earn and pay for things themselves hated her.
    Good to see that party decimated.

    Now if we could just rid ourselves of pretty boy Justin.

  4. Very good news. Maybe the first step in clawing back from the illiberal Liberal Party agenda. The Liberal Party had a Lesbian premier running the province for the last few years, so it’s a double win.

    There is hope for Canada, as there is for the US.

  5. We’re pretty happy up here now. For the last few weeks it was looking kind of bleak with Horvath and the NDP looking increasingly like they were going to form a majority or a least a minority with the Wynne and the Liberals. It was only in the last few days that the polls indicated the NDP had run out of steam and the Ford and the Conservatives could reach a majority. Wynne and her party were destroyed and will take years to rebuild. Horvath and her NDP elected a number of extreme left wing candidates who will become an increasing problem for her in the months and years to come.
    All in all, finally a good day for Ontario and it’s citizens (even the ones that didn’t vote conservative, they just don’t know it yet).
    Perhaps best of all is that Ontario now has a Premier who’s not afraid to tell Trudeau the Younger to “f*ck off” or at least words to that effect.


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