Bad Spelling Can Be Costly – IOTW Report

Bad Spelling Can Be Costly

A 10 year-old Muslim schoolboy, taking a test in Lancashire, UK, was asked where he lived. That’s when all hell broke out.article-0-16BD44FF000005DC-539_964x627


He meant to say in a “terraced house.”

You can pretty much guess what he wrote.


13 Comments on Bad Spelling Can Be Costly

  1. I see a sick pattern forming:

    1) Activist parents teach their young children – too young to think critically – to engage in suspicious behavior –

    2) When the suspicious behavior attracts the attention of concerned citizens, the activist parents explain away the child’s behavior as being something totally innocent and undeserving of suspicion –

    3) The activist parents claim that the misunderstanding has caused the child irreparable mental anguish, making them the victims of racism and xenophobia from overzealous concerned citizens –

    4) Lather, rinse, repeat.

    When this happens enough times, people not only quit saying something when they see something, they stop being believed when they do.

    Islamic activists are using their own children as human shields in this ideological war.

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