He should have just welded the horn to the tailpipe. Was it worth forfeiting manhood by riding bitch on a moped?
But there’s nothing like the bad ass sound of a Harley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUzitzvv0TQ .
First good laugh I’ve had all day.
He should have just welded the horn to the tailpipe. Was it worth forfeiting manhood by riding bitch on a moped?
Why does the number
come to mind?
Umm…I think RIDING a moped automatically does that anyway…doesn’t it?
Yes by all means find a way to make more noise.
Hilarious, but that’s a trombone!
music to my ears. wha wha wha waaaaaa
But there’s nothing like the bad ass sound of a Harley.
Yes that likely would, but not as irrevocably as riding bitch on one would.
Tex Beneke used to make that sound out of his @SS.
Hey boys, we just found Glenn Miller !!