Bait and Switch Essay By Crazy White Woman With a Guilt Complex – IOTW Report

Bait and Switch Essay By Crazy White Woman With a Guilt Complex

Wait’ll you read this. I knew it was too good to be true because it was printed in the Chicago Tribune-

It’s not a good sign when you discover that everybody in a diversity workshop thinks the same way.

I signed up for a one-month online workshop advertised as skill-building for white women who want to be “allies and advocates” for women of color. It’s a hot topic right now, framed as “intersectionality” — the idea that feminism needs to redefine itself around the experiences of women of color and whose experience is different from that of white, middle- and upper-class women. But as a middle-aged WASP woman, I’m not sure how to stand with and for women of color without speaking for them.

It’s a conundrum.

So I joined this workshop in hopes that it would be a place to ask some tough questions and get insightful answers. I figured out some advocacy techniques — no thanks to the African-American workshop leader on that score — and also got a quick view of how feminist advocates are their own worst enemies.

Almost immediately, someone minimized her accomplishment by attributing much of it to “white privilege.” The new doctor struck back, pointing out that she’d climbed out of foster care and had worked her way through college.

But to the diversity Puritans, she had no right to celebrate what they labeled an ill-gotten accomplishment achieved in no small part by her white skin. Their glee in condemning her was exceeded only by their mutual congratulations for being so brave to bully her.

Inevitably, the entire mess went viral, sparking an opportunity for most of the workshop participants to pile on.

Things went downhill from there.

It turned out that this expert’s credentials existed only in her imagination (though she constantly cited her experience as a licensed mental health worker in Nebraska. (Side note to corporate America: You’re going to be besieged by erstwhile diversity and sexual harassment consultants of all races. Please vet them before hiring them.)

She told us that no woman of color could ever trust any white woman. She told us that every white woman owed every woman of color reparations — and then asked for donations through PayPal. (And yes, some women in the group were quickly guilt-tripped into donating money.)

Every question from a group member was denigrated as an avoidance tactic. She shared a video clip of an on-site training in which she shamed and ridiculed a participant for eight minutes — no mention as to whether the participant gave consent for her “whipping” to be paraded in front of some 50 people. She whipped up derechos of blame. I stood up to it and was erased from the group. (A couple other women did the same and were tossed out too.)

Despite her inflammatory approach, the workshop leader was right….


And there is the switch. Have you taken the bait so far? I did. Now for the verbal whiplash.

If you don’t click over, I understand. To sum up, it was just the workshop leader’s attitude that was wrong, otherwise, she’s exactly right.

“White women (that’s us college-educated white women) need to take a step back and let other women set the agenda for once. Maybe for a good while.”

“Intersections clear when each person edging forward waits for someone else to go first. You might be accustomed to being first in line, but you also know how it feels when someone waves you in front of them.

Doing so for others now is not the same as knowing what it feels like to know that your grandparents were never first. But it’s a start. And without a start, we go nowhere.”

!snip again!


These “studies” degree holders are over-educated morons, in my opinion, and I wouldn’t wave any one of them to go ahead of me when it came to my career. And if you do, you’ve been suckered by someone who has a degree in manipulation.


17 Comments on Bait and Switch Essay By Crazy White Woman With a Guilt Complex

  1. Imagine being a person of ANY friggin’ “color” who’d put ANY stock in ANY of this? What a sad way to go through life, living Martin Luther King’s dream in reverse, seeing EVERYTHING through the warped prism of racial grievance.

  2. Is it time for a repeat of an “Educated beyond their utility” observation?
    Sucker is made from vibranium, coated in industrial strength Teflon. Has to be, considering the use it’s called for these days.

  3. These gullible “nice liberal white suburban feminists” have been central to the success of the Dem Party since the 1960s.
    The Soccer Moms & Daughters elected Bill Clinton twice, and Barack Obama twice, and almost elected Hilary.
    They’re gullible and stupid and they volunteer and contribute and pay for seminars to hone their self loathing. And they vote.

    If blacks now push them out of the Dem Party simply because they are White, the Dems become strictly a BLM-LaRaza-CAIR coalition.

    Feminism is now devouring itself.

  4. Such people aren’t so much educated as they are trained and conditioned. Education usually carries the connotation of establishing, developing, or improving intellectual capabilities. All too often, what happens in academia is the opposite. Any natural critical thinking ability is throttled and replaced with rigidly enforced orthodox reflexes and cant.

  5. does it really matter? … because in the future (if there is to be a progressive future) no one will hire women, of any race/color/transgender, due to the overwhelming problem of their ever-continued disruption of the goal of economy & societal advancement … thanks progtard wymyn

  6. In public service, there should be a push back against white lesbian privilege, because I can’t help but notice that a third of the police departments in major cities across the US seem to be run by lesbians, even though they couldn’t possibly make up more than 1% of the entire police force of the US.

  7. Phuck each and everyone of them, I am completely sick of the leftist’s games and bullshit.
    Name the location, name the time. Let’s duke it out physically because you ignorant fucks make it absolutely impossible to have a normal discourse. Your words are just as hollow as the policies that you implement.
    The only thing you understand is brute force and it’s well past time that you get a damn good understanding.

  8. The Leader essentially just wants Free Shit, she don’t wanna work fo nuttten in Life ! it’s much easier to Demand that others change for you, so that they never have to achieve to your level.

  9. Uncle Al: “Such people aren’t so much educated as they are trained and conditioned.”

    Have to agree.
    As I learned:
    you train animals and teach people.

    OT- I absolutely can’t believe obama and the fbi/cia allowed/condoned/enabled hezbollah to import and sell cocaine in America so they could fund their terrorism in the middle east. EVERYTHING should come to a halt until this is sorted out.

  10. Stepping on bodies to get over a fence is horrid. That is what bullying is accomplishing.

    The term ‘kapo’ fits perfectly for people who buy into this ‘white/male privilege’ shit. Disgusting

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