Balloteering- Sheila Jackson Lee’s District Rife With Voter Fraud – IOTW Report

Balloteering- Sheila Jackson Lee’s District Rife With Voter Fraud

Today’s The Liberty Daily has a page link to the National File (see below for URLs) with a detailed article by
Patrick Howley
 about Harris County TX (Sheila Jackson Lee’s turf) absentee ballot issues. 

A citizen journalist named Colleen Vera, a retired school teacher, has uncovered some activities that go past questionable and are very convincingly documented as voter fraud. 

She has made public record requests that show identical handwriting, envelopes, and even completed ballots from selected county precincts. 

She’s also got a voice recording of a campaign worker explaining exactly how she enters nursing homes with stacks of absentee ballots and “assists” residents to fill them out. 

One of the records she got was a list of anyone who picked up 50 or more absentee ballots from election headquarters and found that two names are the same as people convicted of forgery, and that those same names appear on campaign finance expenditure records for a number of Dem candidates include Sheila Jackson Lee.

There are plenty more details in Howley’s piece and on Vera’s blog article at

—Uncle Al


18 Comments on Balloteering- Sheila Jackson Lee’s District Rife With Voter Fraud

  1. They try this shit in California first. If it works well, it’s nation wide the following year. It’s incredible. I bet these asshole cheat at cards and on their spouses too. Not a hint of integrity.

  2. Blacks are responsible for massive voter fraud…they are owned by the left. As long as their free money, free food, free section 8 housing keeps flowing, they will votes dem until the day they die, and keep voting after they are dead.

  3. Harris County is gone-just like Dallas County, Travis County(Austin), Bexar County(San Antonio) and soon Tarent County(Ft Worth). Throw in the sparsely populated border counties with Mexico, yeah all of them, funny that huh?, and the trend is clear.

    Who needs voter fraud when you have 10s of 1,000s of locusts moving here?

    Ted Cruz almost lost to the scum Beto, he won by 3 points! My soon to be no more neighbors, latinos, are so happy he got a $30/hr job at the new sand plant(for fracking) compliments of President Trump’s deregulation to encourage domestic energy production.

    New truck(s), lots of home improvements, huge BBQ…hey good for them. Take a fucking guess whose yard sign they had? Yep, Beto “AOC is dead right on the Green New Deal” O’Rourke.

    Again who needs voter fraud when you have millions of idiots like this?

  4. Now you know how Biden, Wilson, Jackson-Lee, Clyburn, Schiff, Feinstein, Waters, etc stay in office for decades. After the first decade of cheating any challenger surrenders and the incumbents stay in office for life.

  5. Bad Brad

    Wrong NAPA.
    Frederica Wilson (Retard Florida) is the one with the hats.
    Sheila Jackson Lee (Retard Texas) is the one that has what appears to be a rat’s nest on her noggin.


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