Baltimore Mayor Announces Youth Curfew After 2 Teens Injured in Shooting – IOTW Report

Baltimore Mayor Announces Youth Curfew After 2 Teens Injured in Shooting

Epoch Times:

The mayor of Baltimore announced his intention to enact a 9 p.m. curfew for people 14 years old and younger after a shooting that wounded two teens the night of April 9.

Fight among a group of more than 200 teens took place in the city’s Inner Harbor at 9 p.m., according to WBAL-TV.

When police tried to stop the fights, a 14-year-old and a 16-year-old were shot. One of them was in critical condition, and the other was in stable condition as of Monday, WBAL reported.

Two suspects were arrested, police said, including one with a loaded gun who matched a description of the shooter and another who was suspected of having a weapon in a police garage, WBAL reported.

In addition to the 9 p.m. curfew, Scott also announced a 10 p.m. curfew for teens aged 15 to 17, WJZ-TV reported.

“I want everyone to hear me and hear me clearly,” Scott said. “We are going back to the old days. We will be enforcing a youth curfew as we move into the latter spring and summer months.”

Scott said he has seen young children away from their homes at night too often.

“It’s not just about making sure we are getting them off the street, but making sure that we are supporting them and figuring out what’s going on with them and their families,” Scott said. “It is not normal for [a] person to be that far away from their home and no one knows where they are or cares for them.” MORE

14 Comments on Baltimore Mayor Announces Youth Curfew After 2 Teens Injured in Shooting

  1. Is this the same Baltimore that also said cops can’t pursue curfew violators?
    Can’t pursue them by vehicle, not on foot.
    Why the hell put in a curfew, if you are not really serious about enforcing it.

  2. It’s irrelevant if the cops get permission to enforce it or not.

    They already said they don’t have the manpower to enforce it.

    They did NOT say but are surely thinking they don’t have the WILL to enforce it, lest they become the next Worldstar sensation in an out-of-context TikTok video of them trying to manage a pack of cranky, possibly armed 14 yos.

    Also, the enforcement is different times for different ages, and not applied at ALL over 18.

    Only way you can learn ages is by asking for ID.

    …which will be called rayyciss, of course …

  3. “… and no one knows where they are or cares for them.”

    Sounds pretty typical of any children raised in any city in America.
    The little bastards are tickets to more free shit.

    I got an idea! Hold their fathers accountable!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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