Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right 100% Woke Free Beer – IOTW Report

Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right 100% Woke Free Beer

17 Comments on Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right 100% Woke Free Beer

  1. Great idea but 20 bucks for a 6 pack of 4 percent beer plus shipping! I think I’ll stick with my local Genny Light 30 pack for 23 bucks. I don’t think they’re woke yet.

  2. I once ordered a case of Dr. Pepper from the only manufacturer that still used cane sugar, I think west Texas. Shipping cost as much as the soda.
    It’s just too heavy to ship piecemeal, you have to buy at the local store and they can ship in bulk. If this guy can do that – and if his beer is good – perhaps he will succeed.

  3. Genny Light, made from sparkling Hemlock Lake water (aka Rochester tap water). I was weened on Genesee Beer. Jack Wehle, at the time the owner of the Genesee Brewery, lived near the small town where I grew up. Mickeys, the one bar in town served 25 cent Genny drafts (10 oz) morning, noon, and night. Walk in with a couple bucks in your pocket, stumble out with a nice beer buzz. Just watch out for the Green Death (Genesee Cream Ale) unless you have a fortified intestinal tract.

  4. Wild Bill, Mickey’s Wide Mouth was the cheap beer equivalent of drinking Boone’s farms cheap Strawberry Hill (Apple Annie etc.) wine and other fruit flavored wines. They were both nasty tasting and made for a cheap drunk. And we were young and stupid and broke and drank that crap.

  5. Asshoser-busch is 6 billion to the negative and it ain’t even summer drinking season yet.

    I’m loving it!

    They tried to convince America that taking it in the ass is normal now. In reality they are taking it in the ass fiscally, and it’s only accelerating against them. Talk about a BOOMERANG.

  6. @TSUNAMI at 2:21 pm

    Asshoser-busch is 6 billion to the negative and it ain’t even summer drinking season yet.

    Wanna know what the beauty of that is? They hired a woke “educated” woman to turn the failing company around. She stated as much in an interview on Twitter. What’s even more a brazen lie, is that the Busch execs had no idea she did that. Really? Well, you can’t take it back, this is one company I would drink a Soaring Eagle to, and I no longer drink.


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