Woman Makes Bold Claim About Africa – IOTW Report

Woman Makes Bold Claim About Africa

According to her, the world and all its technology was created in Africa.

40 Comments on Woman Makes Bold Claim About Africa

  1. I wonder if she found a glass Coca-Cola bottle, dropped from an airplane, if she would try to returnn it to God…..

    Apparently she invented the British accent too…..

  2. They invented eating people, and the tire trick (you push a car tire over your victim’s head and pin his/her arms, fill the tire with petrol, and set it on fire).

    They also invented hacking people to pieces with a machete, but they didn’t invent the machete.

  3. Since Africa is evidently the cradle of humanity, intellect, & invention, any future reparations should require the denouncement & forfeiture of US citizenship and a one-way ticket to the utopian African nation of their choice.
    P E R I O D
    Or STFU forever-more!!!

  4. Marxists tools like the idiot in the video are very ignorant. They only parrot communist narrative. No cognitive function involved or independent analysis.

    For this imbecile, Africa is a utopian symbol. She does not understand the realities that make Africa, the continent composed of countries that are mostly based on warlord tribalism. No real focus on large scale agricultural systems.

    More successful African nations who had temples and some form of organized city scapes were heavily influenced by Greece. Egypt may be an exception. Trade throughout Africa with Mediterranean nations was common.

    No industrial or technology achievements can really be attributed to African culture. However, Africa is rich in resources, like diamonds, oil and gold that contribute greatly to industrial/technological development.

    Spoiled black Americans have no idea how fortunate they are to be in a Western nation. Even an American hoodrat woman with six kids who stupidly travel to Mexico for a “tummy tuck” and got caught in a cartel gun battle are considered rich by world standards.

    Yes, slavery was painful but not unique to black people. Slavery or indentured servitude has existed in every country…forever.

    Black Americans are the richest group of black people on Earth. Sadly, it is taken for granted by them.
    The zombied black nationalist spewing racist delusional lies counts as one more mislead fool who is never thankful for her very blessed, abundant life she has as an American.

  5. I read an article years ago where some professor claimed that the Greeks got all their ideas about architecture from Africa. I didn’t know mud huts were a thing in Greece, but OK.

  6. Winged negroes built the Pyramids of Egypt.
    The winged negroes had all the knowledge and engineering skills on Earth until the Evil White Doctor of Patmos cut off their wings and stole their knowledge.
    (no one knows how that happened, though)

    This has been taught at Universities and Colleges for the past 30 years, or so.
    Pioneered and formulated by Leonard Jeffries of CUNY.
    She is parroting an old, but persistent, lie.

    I don’t understand how negroes would take solace from the assertion that they were once the pre-eminent people of the Earth and are now hands-out, begging for “reparations,” demonrat plantation serfs.

    But there’s a lot I don’t understand.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I’m imagining today’s Algonquin Round Table comprised of this sharp tack,
    Revrump Al Sharpton, Kakala Harris,
    Sen “Guam’s gonna tip over”, Corey “Eagle Eyes” Booger,
    and astropsychologist Kneel Mike Tyson.

  8. Her list is too short. She left out Slavery, monarchy (kings/queens/pharaohs), corrupt dictators. After all they claim Egypt and north Africa was black. So you invented slavery.

  9. 99th Squad Leader
    MARCH 9, 2023 AT 2:08 AM

    “Yes, slavery was painful but not unique to black people. Slavery or indentured servitude has existed in every country…forever.”

    …and Black people are STILL enslaved.

    By OTHER Black people.

    In Africa.

    ht tps://www.globalslaveryindex.org/2018/findings/regional-analysis/africa/

    That cobalt for liberal virtu-buggy batteries ain’t gonna mine itself…

  10. Black folk and middle eastern moslems have very similar insecurities. With notable exceptions they are not well able to compete in western or most Asian cultures. Too complicated, too much information to absorb and retain.

    Either Black Panther was remarkably un self aware or it was deliberately ironic. The McGuffin was viBRAINium and the people who would be masters of Wakanda settled their contest with single combat, to the death. Really. But it is of a piece with the creation myth in this article. We were great, we had everything figured out, but somehow lost it all, then whitey or whomever showed up and stole our stuff (that we had already lost track of). The dumb sperm won the race? With moslems it’s the inbreeding, with blacks, they were adequately adapted to the environment so didn’t need to develop the brain as much to survive. Both groups seem determined to destroy that which they cannot truly grasp. People with lower cognitive ability use violence as a tool to settle disputes more readily, it works and doesn’t take a lot of thinking, in fact, less thinking makes a person better at violence.

  11. Then why did the British Empire have to import workers from India to build the Kenya-Uganda Railroad? A couple of lions got a taste for Indian take-out at Tsavo bridge in 1898.


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