Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and Husband Nick Mosby Under Federal Investigation for Financial Crimes – IOTW Report

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and Husband Nick Mosby Under Federal Investigation for Financial Crimes


You might remember the corrupt Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby who attempted to make a national name for herself in the prosecution of the “Baltimore Six”; six police officers she charged in the death of Freddie Gray back in 2015.

As Baltimore burned amid political fuel driven by Black Lives Matter, Mosby was the lead narrative engineer who attempted to frame the six police officers for the death of Gray until her fraudulent charges collapsed in the first two officer trials which resulted in acquittal.

According to recent media reports Marilyn Mosby and her husband, Nick Mosby, the Baltimore city counsel president, are facing a federal indictment as a grand jury is hearing evidence about the couple using campaign funds to pay for their personal expenses. Not surprisingly the AME church network is also under investigation. more

12 Comments on Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and Husband Nick Mosby Under Federal Investigation for Financial Crimes

  1. The only thing surprising about all this is that the Mosby’s are actually being prosecuted. Compared to some of the shit the D’s have pulled, this is nothing.

  2. I’m sure they’re shaking in their boots.
    No one doing a Federal investigation is unstained by corruption.
    Lawyers, judges, investigators, they’re all – ALL – corrupt.

    Probably just trying to pick up useful tips.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I don’t find this one bit surprising. What does surprise me is it is being investigated. Now if they want to really surprise me let’s see an honest investigation and prosecution.

  4. Do you suppose the ‘journalists’ who objected to President Trump correctly labelling Baltimore a SHITHOLE will have second thoughts because of stuff like this?

    Me neither.


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