Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Will No Longer Prosecute Marijuana Possession Cases – IOTW Report

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Will No Longer Prosecute Marijuana Possession Cases

Breaking 911: BALTIMORE — Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced Tuesday that her office will no longer prosecute any marijuana possession cases, “because prosecuting these cases has no public safety value, disproportionately impacts communities of color and erodes public trust, and is a costly and counterproductive use of limited resources.”

“We need to get serious about prioritizing what actually makes us safe,” said Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, “and no one who is serious about public safety can honestly say that spending resources to jail people for marijuana use is a smart way to use our limited time and money.”

Mosby’s office will implement the following changes to their marijuana policy:

26 Comments on Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Will No Longer Prosecute Marijuana Possession Cases

  1. Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Will No Longer Prosecute,,,
    Freddie Gray or Trayvon Martain like cases,, sad untalented appointed trash she is.
    Don’t misunderstand, not a support comment,

  2. Why in the hell would a State Attorney’s office be prosecuting possession cases? I thought they did big shit that was beyond the resources of the local prosecutors that operate out of a briefcase and a Prius.

  3. Blind hog, meet acorn.

    But here’s the really scary part:

    “Mosby will also propose legislation that would give prosecutors the power to vacate convictions in the interest of justice.”

    I’m $ure there i$ no way a pro$ecutor would ever exploit thi$.

  4. She won’t prosecute the charge but she will still let the thug in question plea bargain to the lesser charge of possession of pot and the state will forget all about the violent crime.

    That way the prisons can still be full of “non violent drug charges” so the democrats have that to masturbate to every 2 years.

  5. Shocked that she still has a Law License, her job, has not been sued for everything she owns, and has not even been prosecuted yet. Time for the Navy to convert Baltimore into a bombing range.

  6. Funny, the changes noted in the article didn’t say anything about whether the cops can seize the weed they find. It makes you wonder whether a brother gets grabbed with 10 kilos of weed and as long as there’s no baggies or scales he gets to leave with the pot.

  7. scr_north, or the question on the Baltimore PD would be:

    You apprehend a brotha with 10 kilos of weed. He walks away. How many kilos of weed does he walk away with, and how many make it to the Evidence Room?

    A. 10, 0
    B. 0, 10
    C. 8, 2
    D. 8, 0, One kilo apiece for you and your partner.

  8. Good for her!

    A lazy negress Affirmative Action graduate declares that she’s NOT going to do the job for which she’s paid!

    Whadda ya got if you put two Marilyn Mosbys in a shoe box?
    A pair of black loafers!

    Get it? That’s some funny shit!
    No … it really isn’t … it’s pathetic.

    Baltimore never was much but now it’s a sort of Maryland (Marilyn?) Zimbabwe.
    Or Congo – or Rwanda – or Burundi – or Uganda – &c., &c.

    I hope all the decent people get out.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. If is she refusing to follow the laws of her state and uphold her oath of office follow. Then she is in violation of her oath of office.

    With that said I could less what a person does in the privacy of their own homes. But weed should NOT be a Public thing.
    Because like Liquor and DUI’s .. Weed (2nd hand smoke) can give you a unwanted buzzz driving stone gets people killed.

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