Baltimore to Sell Homes for a $1.00 a Piece – IOTW Report

Baltimore to Sell Homes for a $1.00 a Piece


More than 13,000 homes in Baltimore are vacant. The city owns close to 1,000 of them. Individual buyers and community land trusts are eligible to buy the city-owned vacant houses for $1. Small nonprofits can purchase the homes for $1,000. Developers and larger nonprofits would need to pay $3,000. More

19 Comments on Baltimore to Sell Homes for a $1.00 a Piece

  1. $1?
    That would be a good way to get some drug dens up and running.
    I imagine dealers have already thought of that.
    Maybe some old fashioned whore houses.

    Democrats cause big problems then think of “fixes” that only exasperate the problems.

  2. The $1 is just the bait. After you clean it, just wait for the permit, inspection, xontractor costs and then the government telling you what it is worth, what value they’re taxing you on, and how much/little you will ne able to rent or lease it for….and oopsie! Squatters took it.

  3. Why don’t we give them to all those Venezuelan gang members that plan on occupying YOUR home while you are at work. At least we’d have them contained in one spot.

  4. I wonder what restricts they’ll have in place on demolition. They’ve probably already been fully gutted by vandals, thieve and or fire. The cost of reinstalling water and power is probably more than the property on the tax roll is worth, not to mention the expense of securing the property from further damage.

    Still, Baltimore is maybe 40 miles from D.C. For your aspiring young bureaucrat seeking a first-time home, this might prove a viable option.

  5. Why, oh why, aren’t they putting ‘newcomers’ in those homes??? (that’s illegal aliens to you MAGA-types)
    Probably because they refuse anything less than a 4-star hotel with room service.

  6. Sourpuss, you are 100% correct. I was born and raised in Maryland, right outside the shithole,(Baltimore) it was a wonderful place to grow up, I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. But it is a total mess now. I am stuck here now with some commitments I have to fulfill but my biggest ambition is to get the hell out of here.

  7. I remember when Baltimore was a pretty good city. I remember that because I’m old and have a good memory.

    There are still some good parts of MD, but you have to know the back roads of the Eastern Shore or the far Western part of the panhandle. And the otherwise nice folks there are mighty leery of strangers.

  8. Al
    “I remember when Baltimore was a pretty good city. ”

    Come on man!. LOL. There’s no way you’re that old. Nancy Ps daddy wrecked that place when you were wearing diapers. Cloth ones. Snicker.

  9. RadioMattM
    I was thinking exactly the same, $1 + Back Taxes + Interest & Penalties.
    Thx, but no thx.

  10. I was a Bell dude in Ballmer in 1996/97. It was a seething shithole.

    Of course I was in the ghetto 98% of the time.

    I told my boss John Heinline, “Find me a job in the counties, or I quit.”

    He found me something else, thankfully.


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