Baltimore’s Mayor Takes No Responsibility For City’s Murder Rate – IOTW Report

Baltimore’s Mayor Takes No Responsibility For City’s Murder Rate

As the year comes to a close, the media is watching closely to see if Baltimore can break it’s own record on per capita murder, set back in 1993. More

Mayor Bernard Young reassured the city that since he was committing the murders personally, then he wasn’t responsible for the city’s blood letting. More

16 Comments on Baltimore’s Mayor Takes No Responsibility For City’s Murder Rate

  1. Mr. Mayor, i think I can speak for just about all right thinking Americans when i say that I will NEVER set foot in your Rat infested, trash strewn, murder crazed sanctuary burg. You had a beautiful marina and aquarium, but will never see my tourist dollars.
    Continue your downward spiral, idiot.
    Oh, and Freddy says “sup”.

    “Mayor Bernard Young reassured the city that since he
    was (NOT) committing the murders personally, then he
    wasn’t responsible for the city’s blood letting.”

  3. Baltimore is over 330 dead now. They think the
    death rate ratio may hit 57/100,000 before the New Year.
    This mayor was a long time part of the political system,
    serving in the joke of a city council for years.
    None of the wannabe runners are up to snuff with
    3 incompetent police chiefs appointed in the last 5 years.
    All Democrats, The 70% black population keeps electing black politicians who consistently rob them while
    blaming the RINO white Governor for the problems.
    Until the city blacks get enough sense to elect
    law and order ass kickers things will just get worse.

  4. This asshole hypocrite would be the first guy screaming the loudest for the head of the coach of his favorite basketball team if they didn’t make the playoffs. Eff him.


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