Bang! Dead! Just like that – You Must Lock It Up! – IOTW Report

Bang! Dead! Just like that – You Must Lock It Up!

ht/ bad brad

28 Comments on Bang! Dead! Just like that – You Must Lock It Up!

  1. Most folks don’t know how big of an issue/problem this is and not just while they’re alive, but after they pass away. It’s not just with juveniles either.

    What some of these meds are worth on the street would amaze you, as well as how they are ingested for a quick and intense high. Some of these meds are extremely strong ‘pain relievers,’ especially for the terminally ill.

    I have to admit Bad_Brad, I wondered where that was going. Well done.

  2. Somehow, I think that if you give a teen a gun, and teach them proper gun safety, and have that close a bonding, they’ll have the self esteem that I doubt they’ll abuse drugs or commit suicide by medication.
    But that’s just my 2 cents.
    A stoopid ad, in my opinion.

  3. Deplorable B Woodman,

    NO. There’s a lot more to it than that. I know farmer in duck country that have had drug addictions issues with their kids and they came out of the womb with a gun. The biggest threat parent fight with teens is pier pressure. That’s a tough battle and I speak from experience.

  4. DBW, yes… but only to a point (INMO).

    There were no gun safes in my home growing up. I knew if I opened the closet door where Dad’s and my shotguns/rifles were, I’d get my Gluteus Maximus kicked up between my shoulder blades when they got home, whether or not he or Ma knew I had gotten them out. Same with the liquor cabinet. Healthy fear was instilled.

    Nowadays, the peer pressure is so intense (media and otherwise), that the first try of snorting oxy and crushing up a little too much, is fatal. Nothing to do with suicide. Just a, “my dad had a root canal and got some oxy,” “Oh really, do this… and it’ll make you grow wings.” Or whatever. Trying to be in the ‘in crowd’ in school is a very intoxicating enticement, regardless.

    We see so much even in the protests of living for the moment, that fear of any kind of repercussion is not a thought.

    Those things always happen to ‘someone else’ and we’re numb from seeing it on TV and the internet. Reality is science fiction.

  5. Drug abuse is a huge problem, and I have spoken here about my take regarding its causes and efforts to help solve the problem. And drug misuse and doctor error are huge problems too. But to me this ad stinks of unreality, a made-up story that the writer thinks is going to help get the message out but which just rings false.

  6. Maybe another solution to “locking them up” would be to
    set “decoys” in the medicine cabinets:
    pill bottles filled with Ex-Lax and such.
    Learning through – ahem – “experience” has its value.

  7. Locking up a bottle of pills isn’t going to keep your retarded child from ODing. It’s absurd. The 17 year should know better, and if it doesn’t YOU are a suckass parent.

    The entire thing is absurd. Playing the heartstrings of the idiot world.

  8. “The entire thing is absurd.”

    First of all that wasn’t really the point as to why I forwarded this to BFH. And apparently you missed that point big.
    Second of all there’s a lot of toddlers that die every year from getting into their parents medication. Not sure what the big deal is.

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