Banned For Life – IOTW Report

Banned For Life

Neither his boyish good looks nor his Poindexter-like political persona were enough for Duluth Mayor Don Ness (MN-D) to charm his way out of trouble with the Duluth Labor Body (AFL-CIO).

Don Ness

He’s been banned for life from ever setting foot in the organization’s Labor Temple again.

The irreversible riff was caused when the mayor crossed a union picket line Monday for lunch at the Radisson Hotel.


The video report comes complete with aged, overweight union members and their giant inflatable “rat.”

8 Comments on Banned For Life

  1. They have lots of problems up in Minnesota:

    The St. Paul chapter of Black Lives Matter says it’s planning on “shutting down” the annual October Twin Cities Marathon near the finish at the State Capitol to raise awareness of recent incidents involving St. Paul police and people of color.

  2. All Ness must do is come out as a twink, and the AFL-CIO would die ignominiously on the tweets of the SJWs. How dare they ban a twink from anything??? Oh, wait, nevermind, he’s a (D)

    I hereby denounce myself for two instances of the “t” word

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