Bannon Calls on Biden to Release Tax Returns To Address Alleged Links to Chinese Regime – IOTW Report

Bannon Calls on Biden to Release Tax Returns To Address Alleged Links to Chinese Regime

Epoch Times: 

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon said June 9 that former Vice President Joe Biden should release his tax returns to prove that he hasn’t received financial benefits from the Chinese regime.

“Joe Biden is essentially in business with [the Chinese communist regime],” Bannon said during an interview on the radio program Cats roundtable on 970 AM in New York.

“We have to see Joe Biden’s tax returns because we’ve got to see if Joe Biden was a financial consultant to [the fund] or an adviser. Biden has got to answer some basic questions: if he’s been compromised by the Chinese Communist Party? What’s been his involvement during the Obama administration with them?”

Bannon was referring to a fund, Bohai Harvest RST, co-founded by Biden’s son Hunter.

The younger Biden struck a deal with the state-run Bank of China to create the fund in late 2013, which coincided with a trip he took to Beijing with his father, who was Vice President at the time, according to allegations raised in a 2018 book, “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,” by author Peter Schweizer. read more

3 Comments on Bannon Calls on Biden to Release Tax Returns To Address Alleged Links to Chinese Regime

  1. I’d be interested to know just how many others up there have been compromised by the deluge of Chinese money. I’d bet Sen. Diane Feinstein wants to know too, don’t ya Sen?


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