Bannon Gathers Donors as He Launches War on GOP Establishment – IOTW Report

Bannon Gathers Donors as He Launches War on GOP Establishment


Frustrated with Republican incumbents’ inability to pass any significant legislation, the Republican donor class started meeting with Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon over his plan to primary establishment Republicans.

Former White House chief strategist and Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon met with notable Republican donors, many whom remain frustrated by the Republican establishment’s inability to pass significant legislation such as repealing and replacing Obamacare, tax reform, and funding a southern border wall. The Republican donor class will consider backing Bannon’s campaign to challenge Senate Republican incumbents in the war against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Bannon reportedly is lining up a series of primary challengers whom he believes will back President Donald Trump’s agenda.

Andy Surabian, a senior adviser to the Great American Alliance and ex-White House aide, told Breitbart News, “We’re planning on building a broad anti-establishment coalition to replace the Republican Party of old with fresh new blood and fresh new ideas.”


8 Comments on Bannon Gathers Donors as He Launches War on GOP Establishment

  1. This steamroller has left the starting blocks. Just take a look at how feeble and haggard McConnell looked the other day standing next to Trump. He hasn’t been quite so snotty as in the past. I think he sees his political gravestone straight ahead.

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