Bannon on Trumpism – Why It’s The Morally Correct Stance – IOTW Report

Bannon on Trumpism – Why It’s The Morally Correct Stance

Steve Bannon is an unashamed champion of the little guy, a champion of nationalism, an avowed enemy of the Annual Global Gathering of Davos, and he’s remarkably upbeat about our future.

Two moments in this interview were particularly impactful for me. Bannon maintains that the SJW globalists who are “brownshirting” on the streets cannot be counted on to remain ignorant forever. What the left does not understand is that politics is fluid, and as they get skin in the game their thinking will evolve.

This dovetails into his next point. It’s human nature to feel that “we owe as much to the past as we do to the future, because we’re agents for a certain period of time… it’s incumbent upon us to pass it [our institutions and culture] on to future generations. We have an obligation to the generations that came before us.”

He believes even the most asinine ANTIFA moron is capable of having this lightbulb go off in their currently darkened skulls.

Great interview–>

HT/ Chuffed

4 Comments on Bannon on Trumpism – Why It’s The Morally Correct Stance

  1. The Left has, for generations now (at least since the 1960’s) believed that they would become the majority because the “old conservatives” will inevitably die off. Of course, a funny thing happened on the way to their vision of utopia: quite a few young liberals (myself included) turned into conservatives as we got older and paying attention to the world around us caused the light bulbs to come on.

  2. What I especially appreciated about this interview was the fact that Sargon (Carl) was for the most part quiet and let Bannon just talk.

    It made Bannon come off as a thoughtful and humble guy who knows what he’s talking about, I remember half way thru it I thought to myself, “I can see why Andrew Breitbart worked with this guy.”

    Hopefully by Fur posting this on here the video will gain more traction because it really is a fantastic interview and a lot of coherent points are made throughout.

  3. Trump justifiably culled some back stabbing cutthroats from his cabinet {think McMaster, Cohen &others} but I was very disappointed that he lost Bannon. I understood it was because of friction with Trumps son-in-law. Trump would have been wiser to have made the opposite choice. Never mix family and business!


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