Bannon Pens ‘Victory is at Hand’ Message to MAGA from Danbury Prison – IOTW Report

 Bannon Pens ‘Victory is at Hand’ Message to MAGA from Danbury Prison

Bannon for National Pulse

DANBURY, Connecticut, September 26, 2024 – Victory is at hand.

Recent shifts in the few reliable polls in key districts and swing states show that hard-pressed Americans are decisively rejecting the phony “politics of joy” and the empty promises that define the Harris campaign. People are seeing through the word salad rhetoric, recognizing it for what it is: hollow.

To date, the Harris campaign has offered no real solutions to the struggles Americans face: inflation, rising crime, and weakening national security. These topics can’t be masked by feel-good phrases, celebrity endorsements, or as many Oprah interviews as you want.

Harris has peaked. The momentum is now on our side, and this is the time to capitalize on it. more

6 Comments on  Bannon Pens ‘Victory is at Hand’ Message to MAGA from Danbury Prison

  1. In November and December 2019 it was obvious that the Democrats and establishment Republicans and Big Media was prepping the environment for a major spring offensive that as demanded total control of information as they could manage. Newspaper after newspaper, local television and radio news sites and basically every where you looked the public comments feature was being shit down. I posted my observation in that regard right here. Well, low and behold, next thing we know it’s time for the big Corona Virus party to kick off, and such ludicrous nonsense as the fucking garden seed section of Home Depot under security the San Francisco Mint would be proud of… and nobody who isn’t approved can communicate a word to anyone about it.

    I read the Letter From Danbury Prison this morning and it is a very positive message. Watch out though, the Bush Republicans and Democrats are not at all unwilling to set off WWIII if they think the gig will be up.


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