PM: Following his release in the morning, Steve Bannon held a press conference in New York City speaking about his experience at a Connecticut federal prison where he served a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress. “For standing up for my political beliefs against an illegitimate committee in the House that did not have a ranking member and did not have minority counsel, I went to a federal prison for four months,” Bannon said.

Bannon said that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, and Attorney General Merrick Garland wanted to “shut down the war room and not have that as a voice for the grassroots movement of MAGA in this country” and “break me.” more here
This is what our (YOU and all of us pieces of garbage) future holds should Harris be elected and the true racist son ask retain power….
Spell check censor: racist son = facists/nazis
A new web site for Tamala…
The lady of perpetual
Break the law & get punished. Aw, you poor baby. Dirtbag criminal types, especially Dumph buddies feel their entitled to get off Scott Free. Harris had what to do with his contempt of Congress? Zero, exactly what Bannon has left for brain cells.