Bannon’s Whiteboard Leaked (Probably To Tweak the Media) – IOTW Report

Bannon’s Whiteboard Leaked (Probably To Tweak the Media)

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ht/ c. steven tucker

16 Comments on Bannon’s Whiteboard Leaked (Probably To Tweak the Media)

  1. Great news, all the promises Trump made for a year and a half actually are documented on a planning and implementation board. And they claim Trump is the least transparent *eye roll*.

  2. “Hide all Dark Shadows Maddow spoons in the breakroom. Send Rachel gmail email with “Spoon Spoon Spoon” in white text (hidden on white background). Every website she visits will present ads for spoons and flatware”

  3. Looks like someone has read “The Checklist Manifesto” (Atul Gawande): How to Get Things Right

    He’s making a list, checking it twice…

    Lists gets things done.

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