Bar Denies Service To Conservatives For Post-SCOTUS Confirmation Beer Celebration – IOTW Report

Bar Denies Service To Conservatives For Post-SCOTUS Confirmation Beer Celebration


The University of Washington College Republicans hoped to celebrate the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh by enjoying beers at Shultzy’s Bar and Grill this past Saturday. But their plans were stalled after the bar asked them to find another venue “due to the political nature” of their get-together.

The UWCR’s called the informal gathering “Beers 4 Brett”, a reference after Kavanaugh’s famous “I liked beer” line from the confirmation hearings.

Shultzy’s Bar and Grill posted on Facebook: “Shultzy’s is a sports-themed bar & grill that welcomes everyone. We do not promote or endorse any one religious or political viewpoint. As such, due to the political nature of your planned event, we request that you find another venue to celebrate.”

In other words, they welcome everyone — except Republicans celebrating a major SCOTUS victory. It remains unclear if they allowed Progressive patrons to drink away their sorrows, depressed Kavanaugh ended up on the Supreme Court despite their resistance.


There is an epilogue to the story at the link.


11 Comments on Bar Denies Service To Conservatives For Post-SCOTUS Confirmation Beer Celebration

  1. Not sure I would want to eat or drink whatever is served at a bar or restaurant that stated they didn’t want my kind dining there.

    I hope they College Republicans are up on all their shots.

  2. Oh, my. Found out my 93 year old Mother thinks DJT is a ‘pompous j-off’. Her words. She was almost a pussy hat in her vitriol. Never saw that coming because she never talks this way, but I smoothed it over. Glad the family no longer has a restaurant. I would have been out on the street if I supported Goldwater in 1964 at the tender age of 10. (But, I think Dad would have brought me a few fries and probably a Drewery’s.)

  3. I feel bad for the guy in the pic with the straw…

    He’s DONE. The first SIN.

    And he looks like, who the eff cares…oh he is a ‘danger’ with ice in his drink.

    Double sin…he’s armed and white. Third sin.

    If he is christian and hetero, those are sins Four and Five.

    Job while in school? Sixth sin.


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