Barack Obama Interfered with the Peaceful Transfer of Power to President Trump – IOTW Report

Barack Obama Interfered with the Peaceful Transfer of Power to President Trump


16 Comments on Barack Obama Interfered with the Peaceful Transfer of Power to President Trump

  1. The big question is will Obama pay a price. There’s more than ample evidence but he has the DC judges in his pocket.
    The only was is for all of this info to be widely known to the general public and they in turn put pressure on their reps. Sadly, that’s extremely unlikely.

  2. Obama has the judges in his pocket. Obama has the media in his pocket.

    The only thing we can hope for is that the Clintons will see him as some kind of threat. We know what that means. Only problem is that they will try and pin it on Trump.

  3. The Kenyan Kremepuff got away with a lot of stuff for a few reasons:
    1) He wuz the Black messiah. Any criticism was automatic racism.
    2) Demonstrating that laws mean nothing without enforcement.
    3) No one dared to challenge him cuz… see reason #1.

  4. MJA: Zzzzzzz, another useless waste of cyberspace to post this. Because nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING is going to happen to the Black Chicago Jesus or any of the people that put him into power or his neo-Moaist cabal of radical Marxists that was his administration or the people that he seeded and created the deep state with. You can take it to the bank, better yet, you can spend it to the very last dime without having to worry about paying it back. N-O-T-H-I-N-G is going to happen to them. They are not even going to be inconvenienced by any DOJ report or the fall out from it. #SADBUTTRUE

  5. MJA: PS if anything was going to happen it would have happened a long time ago. Trump was just too naive about how the highest levels of government operated. It is not a slam against him but he had no way of knowing how far, wide and deep the corruption and rot went. And he is not sufficiently empowered to stop it. Their agents in courts just keep delaying him and there are just too many fronts to fight (MSM, Hollywood, Social media, universities, the deep state, etc., etc.) He is like a new boss of a company that everyone for years and years was used to stealing from (on every level) and because they have gotten away with it for so long (i.e. ZERO repercussions of their actions) they now have been institutionalized in their thinking that they think this is the way it is supposed to operate. This is a no-win scenario for the conservative right.

  6. @Anonymous ~ certainly glad you weren’t around on December 7, 1941

    “… Japan has the biggest, most modern navy in the world! … no way we can beat them!” ~ Anonymous

  7. This isn’t news! This type of report only deepens the knowledge of the two tier justice system. Congress is hopelessly corrupt, the alphabet Soup of government departments are, also, as well as much of the judicial system.

    We don’t need anymore of these ‘news’ reports that every one not brainwashed by MSM ALREADY KNOWS!! We, the American people want the same justice we would get, had we committed the horrors of our corrupt government.

    Especially those crimes of the Biden’s, Obama’s, clintons, damn Schift and Nancy and shit for brains Waters, Nadler, on and on need to be brought to justice, not ‘revealed’ as news: it’s old news. Give us justice.

  8. MJA
    Thank you for spreading the word and hopefully all of us can spread it more. The truth is slowly being uncovered and being made known, let’s turn it into an avalanche! I believe there are still enough good people in this nation to stand up for it and make changes.

  9. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Complete and utter apples and oranges. That was our country when most of us were galvanized to work together. There is now a huge split in the country and it is a no-win situation for Trump. I am NOT saying that he cannot be re-elected or the Pence couldn’t be elected behind him. I am not saying that he still cannot do great things for America. I am saying that all of those crooks are going to go free. The system is too rigged against him. They have for years passed multiple laws that nearly completely insulate congress from any of the consequences or ramifications of their corrupt actions. They have seeded multiple agencies with unelected and unaccountable autonomous acting people that are beholden to them. Can you name any senators or congressmen who have been expelled in the last 40 years? The list is very short! These people will be free to keep obstructing Trump, committing their crimes and making money doing so. This is a hard and fast fact.

  10. I went and saw Midway Saturday and we resoundingly kicked the Japanese Navy’s ass. So much for their supposed biggest, most modern Navy in the World. Just like the lamestream media tries to tell us that we should totally disarm and let the bad guys win just to make it fair. We had the best Navy then and we still do. GO NAVY!

  11. Just like Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said they had awoken a sleeping giant when they attacked Pearl H arbor. And now the deplorables are the sleeping giant that led to Donald Trump’s election as President in 2016 and landslide reelection next year and will also destroy the democraps and all their ilk just like we did the Japs in World War 2, God willing and the deplorables resolve to destroy them at all costs.


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