Barack Obama says women are ‘indisputably better’ than men and if every country had a female leader there would be ‘significant improvement in living standards and outcomes’ – IOTW Report

Barack Obama says women are ‘indisputably better’ than men and if every country had a female leader there would be ‘significant improvement in living standards and outcomes’

Daily Mail

  • Former U.S. President Barak Obama says women aren’t perfect, but would do an ‘indisputably better’ job at running the world than men
  • Speaking at a private leadership conference in Singapore, Obama blamed most of the world’s problems on ‘old people’, mostly men, holding on to power
  • Obama admitted that while in office, he did wonder what a world run by women would look like
  • He adds that he is ‘absolutely confident’ the world would experience ‘significant improvement across the board’, with women in charge for at least two years
  • Obama and his wife Michelle were at the inaugural ‘Leaders: Asia-Pacific’ conference, focused on promoting women’s education in the region Thursday
  • Michelle also was joined on stage by actress Julia Roberts with former Miss Malaysia Deborah Henry at the event
  • more

53 Comments on Barack Obama says women are ‘indisputably better’ than men and if every country had a female leader there would be ‘significant improvement in living standards and outcomes’

  1. Is Odumbo trying to tell us that Angela Merkel isn’t really a woman?
    Because Germany doesn’t appear to be improving their living standards and outcomes in any significant way.

  2. That’s curious. He ran against a woman in the Democrat primary in 2008.

    Has he had an recent epiphany?

    Honestly, this blithering idiot will tell any gathering what they want to hear.

    And one message to one group doesn’t have to any thematic coherence to the next group.

    He’s a liberal performance artist with no core convictions about anything.

    What a pantload.

  3. This will probably ruffle a few feathers, but I call them as I see them.

    Call me misogynist, but the country’s decline began when women got the right to vote.

    Check the history and you will see it is true.

    Just sayin’.

  4. @Anonymous — No, you’re right. Hate to say it, but women — a lot of women, anyway — don’t vote with their heads, but with a lot of vague sentimentalism about hair-do’s, facial features, athleticism, what campaign ads tell them. Then there are other women who think oblowme is right and that they are superior. Those are the really dangerous ones. They hate men.

  5. What an effeminate little punk. The guy’s more Stuart Smalley than he is a man. Why doesn’t he just go away. I’d be looking into countries with no extradition treaties if I were him. And take his Sasquatch with him.

  6. So true,O! Margaret Thatcher sure knew what she was doing. She was one smart cookie.

    Oh, not that kind of woman. The kind that wear hand sewn pink hats on their heads. Got it.

  7. I agree with both @anonymous and @abigailadams.

    Although I know many level headed women who are warriors, my wife being one, most of the women on this thread and all of the women from the tea party movement. But, there are far too many flibbertygibbet women. The women who swooned over JFK, RFK, Bill Clinton and Barack the cuddly bed buddy.

    I will add to @anonymous’ impolitik thought.
    Giving 18 year olds the right to vote was even more destructive. OK. It was sold during Vietnam. If you can be drafted you should have a voice.

    But we’re not drafting. I would give military in theater. Maybe all military, the right to vote. Nobody other than that under 21 though.

    It was a trick.

  8. just because he want to BE a woman doesn’t mean, obviously, that he understands how women abuse power …. in a lot of cases, much worse than men

    … & don’t get me going w/ the petty jealousy issues

  9. Obama also said something along the lines of let’s face it Bill, Hillary is more qualified than either of us. Whatever Obama says just count on the opposite happening.

  10. @Supernightshade December 16, 2019 at 5:57 pm

    You know, Mr. @Supernightshade, that doesn’t look like a goatse domain. Did you miss the post about misleading advertising?

  11. @Zonga December 16, 2019 at 6:42 pm

    > His next announcement will be that hedgehogs can read his mind.

    You know, I’ve read hedgehog dissertations. Unlike, say, Michelle Obama’s dissertation. And, I’ve gotta say, from what I’ve seen of hedgehog writings, I think it’s entirely plausible that they can, in fact read Barack’s mind.

  12. How’s Sweden doing with their feminazi leadership? Rape capital of the world, unlimited “immigrants” all on the dole, plummeting standard of living, no-go zones, burning cars in the streets, and no men left of a once-warrior culture because they’ve all been emasculated by ‘toxic masculinity’ indoctrination.

    If he’d said Conservative women, he’d be closer to the mark.

  13. Isn’t the 14 year old girl with rapier tongue and the laser eyes that burns holes through humans, urging her brownshirts to line their political opponents against a wall Time magazine’s ‘person of the year’?


    Good God liberals are stupid. Ive seen the socialist playbook before.

  14. @Jerry
    “Tranny whipped” that made me laugh. I’m so using that.
    Anyhows how would he know? All the women he knew were composite matterial.
    If big Mike does run it’s going to be entertaining. The thing has no good side at all and dumb as a rock.

  15. Actually Anonymous, the country started going to HELL when we began allowing non-property owners, and then non-tax paying citizens, to vote.

    The first Affirmative Action President continues to be an embarrassment to the United States and to the human race.

  16. He was the suck up then and he will always will the Suck Up former Choomer in Chief President.

    He was a wire hanger in an empty suit iow a puppet.

    Now we have an old maple wood hanger holding a very FULL suit.

    Once DJT is done with BHO, BHO will have NO legacy. You see, this is about legacies now. 0bama cannot stand the fact that ‘Trump’ is after him. AND DJT LOVES the fact he was after 0bama.

    And 0bama knows who has the TRUMP card. We are in a race with the DOJ and the Congress now.

    Hopefully we will get a ‘Christmas present’ from the President…before the Senate convenes in the New Year…

  17. 0bama repeatedly demonstrated, over eight loooonnngg years, that whatever he said proposed or did, the opposite was the correct path. Thus, by this idiotic affirmative statement he clearly lays out the true path… no more female leaders!

  18. If every male candidate was as effeminate and wimpy as little ‘o’; he would truly be correct in his thoughts, thankfully we have a POTUS that takes charge and does what he says. Trump 2020.

  19. Ahhh … words of wisdom from a cum-sock …

    Speak! Oh corrupt one! Let us, again, hear the sonorous strains of lies dribbling from your purple lips! Let us hear another sloppy wet fart emanating from your face! Let your oozing pustule of a brain entertain the demented with visions of death, destruction, and ruin!

    “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

    Tell us again …

    izlamo delenda est …


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