Barack Obama’s Monument to Himself Is a Hideous Eyesore – IOTW Report

Barack Obama’s Monument to Himself Is a Hideous Eyesore


Obama’s presidential library in Chicago is also nowhere near completion. It’s not even a library. The so-called Obama Presidential Center won’t be anything like the reverential monuments constructed by his predecessors. There’s no research library or presidential archive—Obama’s records will be digitized and published online—but there is a museum, fitness center, playground, recording studio, teaching kitchen, several gardens, and a sledding hill. The center will be run by the Obama Foundation, a private nonprofit, rather than the taxpayer-funded National Archives and Records Administration. Its mission is no less than to “inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world.” Above all, it is a hideous monstrosity befitting the outsized ego of its namesake. more here

39 Comments on Barack Obama’s Monument to Himself Is a Hideous Eyesore

  1. “The Obamas also had to fight off legal challenges from local residents and preservation groups who complained that black people would be displaced by inevitable gentrification. ”

    …no worries THERE, any YT fool enough to want to live within eyesight of this eyesore monument to race hatred will be quickly robbed, assaulted, raped, and murdered into irrelevance while CPD is told to look the other way because, Equity, or something…

  2. “…but also because the Obamas have insisted on an array of environmental restrictions, as well as gender and racial quotas, that are bound to complicate efforts to finish in a timely manner.”

    …as well as violate the 14th Amendment and numerous EEOC regulations and antidiscrimination laws, but thats OK because the Communists say so…

  3. “but also because the Obamas have insisted on an array of environmental restrictions, as well as gender and racial quotas, that are bound to complicate efforts to finish in a timely manner.”

    …if they run into hiring issues, Im sure Boeing can help them out; and they may be able to pick up some recently unemployed Oceangate employees on the cheap too, no older straight White guys THERE…

  4. Set aside the eye sore part. What of the parks and lake front property destroyed?

    But then I’m not personally familiar with the damage done as I would never EVER go into the city.

    Too big a chance to become a statistic at

  5. That “tower” looks like the architect Marxist crony committee started off with a giant butt plug, and then squared it off, thinking that then nobody would recognize it as a squared-off butt plug. They were wrong.

  6. Uncle Al
    Saturday, 31 August 2024, 11:33 at 11:33 am
    “That “tower” looks like the architect Marxist crony committee started off with a giant butt plug, and then squared it off, thinking that then nobody would recognize it as a squared-off butt plug. They were wrong.”

    He speced it by describing what “Michelle’s” penis feels like inside him.

    This is the result…

  7. @ Uncle Al, it is scary, but I was thinking the same thing!!!
    Giant Butt Plug monument to Obama is somehow quite appropriate.
    Dictators always want to show the people their junk.
    Stalin gifted the Palace of Culture and Science to the Polish people. It was built in Warsaw and almost immediately was nicknamed “Stalin’s penis”.

  8. 800 million.
    What will the costs be after it’s built?
    There are only so many people that will pay to see a monument to the magic won.
    Ticket prices will be free for all the special groups, aka everyone except white straight men otherwise it’s raycis.
    I bet it’s gonna be 250 million a year to keep the bushes trimmed outside of this tomb.
    2026? This thing won’t be done until 2028 at best which is a real shame for all those who want to sympathize with TDS during a Trump presidency.
    Is there a Scream At The Sky exhibit?

  9. A blind lesbian helped install the plumbing??
    I thot they only questioned their plumbing!
    Thats’s whutcha call Fundamentally Transformed Architecture by someone who formerly designed Wal-Marts!

  10. Beachmom and my fellow iotwr’s – Stalin is guilty of massive amounts of misery during his time in power but ugly buildings aren’t part of it. He liked beauty in architecture. Check out the so-called seven sisters in Moscow, or any of the lines of the Moscow Metro built during the 30’s. Each station is like a palace, and each of the different. It was his successor, Khrushchev that built ugly buildings, but for economic reasons (cheap) – not because he liked ugly.

  11. There’s Brutalist architecture, and now, apparently, there’s Frutalist architecture. About what I’d expect from a closet queen who took out his frustrations and shortcomings on America. Sorry, Chicago, you sowed the wind, and now you’ll reap the Star Wars set whirlwind. And boy, does it blow.

  12. @stirrin the pot…

    Of course, the exit will be through the gift shop, and you have to make a minimum $100 purchase to get out. And none of this looter mob nonsense that plagues the real world.

  13. @ThirdTwin
    I thought it looked like brutalism architecture too. I looked up the definition to see if it fit O’s design aesthetic…

    “Brutalism’s popularity in socialist and communist nations owed to traditional styles being associated with bourgeoisie, whereas concrete emphasized equality.”

    Well, there ya have it! 😑

  14. Barry’s fortress looks like an Islam version of The Tower of Babel. A pagan/cult monument.
    Praying if completed it suffers the same fate and becomes an abandoned eyesore. Soros will have no interest in financing it. So neglected not even gangs of illegals would want anything to do with it. Chicago residents helped create this travesty and deserve the consequences.

  15. “He just hasn’t gotten around to doing the things most ex-presidents have already accomplished at this point in their post-White House careers. It has been almost eight years since Obama left office, and he still hasn’t published a completed memoir of his presidency.”

    That’s because he is too busy running the Biden Presidency from behind the velvet curtain. And gearing up to do the same to the Kamala (God forbid) regime.

    So much work being the puppet master…who has time?


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