Barack Obongo Gives the Internet To the UN – IOTW Report

Barack Obongo Gives the Internet To the UN

Better get your minds right people.

Complete totalitarian control is coming, and there ain’t nothing Ted Cruz is going to be able to do about it.


An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.

If the U.S. abdicates internet stewardship, the United Nations might take control.


ht/ fdr in hell

23 Comments on Barack Obongo Gives the Internet To the UN

  1. This is so unbelievable that I’m at a loss for words. Is anyone trying to stop this? Yes, I know Cruz and someone else has had a couple things to say but where in the hell is the outrage? Where in the hell is McConnell and Ryan? This bastard, half-breed, piece of shit that is occupying our White House is destroying our country and I don’t see anyone opposing him! Damn I’m pissed off!

  2. It’s only going to get worse in the next few months. He is reveling in the fact that he is pissing most traditional americans off. Its his reason for living. I hope we all get to see something really bad happen to him, say like life in a female prison.

  3. I wasn’t aware that any government or non government owned the internet.
    If some agency claims to have stewardship over my free speech vehicle I will ignore them.
    I mean, after all, no matter if I say it or you say it, Obama is a cunt that should be torn apart by wild dogs on video with a laugh track.

  4. The gubbermint takes something away from you and then sells you the right to use it.

    In addition, this is a backdoor effort to impose speech control, which is what the UN types live for.

    If obongo is reading this, he probably got excited when I wrote backdoor.

  5. We have control of ICANN . 0bama wants to give it away to the ‘world’ which means Russia, China, or the UN will get their grubby mitts on it and try getting a blog, a website, etc by THEIR permission. They can also make any website disappear whenever they like in an instant. I can imagine Hillary would like to see Drudge Report disappear first.

  6. This actually needs Congress’ approval and they can’t do it legally because it’s an outside treaty. Not allowed to be passed or acknowledged by Congress.
    0bama should be sanctioned for even trying this shit.

  7. I could easily stop using the internet I’m not that interested. So we could all do that and blame Obama. Just imagine how quick sites would fold. Just after one week.

  8. So, everyone knows that this site, along with Breitbart, Drudge, and many others will be SHUT DOWN for “hate speech”, right? It could be before the election, but no later than late this year.

  9. @MJA
    “We have control of ICANN . 0bama wants to give it away to the ‘world’ which means Russia, China, or the UN will get their grubby mitts on it and try getting a blog, a website, etc by THEIR permission.”

    “why should we be the only world superpower” -Channeling bitch mad albright (remember the 90s)

    That’s the kind of thinking these turds use,.

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