Barber Finds Out Woman Is Shaving Her Head Bald Because of Chemo – IOTW Report

Barber Finds Out Woman Is Shaving Her Head Bald Because of Chemo

T(he ol’ barbershop/pool hall?)

The customer is his mother. But some others join in

9 Comments on Barber Finds Out Woman Is Shaving Her Head Bald Because of Chemo

  1. I got 10 weeks of Chemo and Radiation. My oldest son shaved his head shortly after he found out. I never lost a singe hair on my head. LOL. I still occasionally tease the shit out of him about that decision.

  2. had a friend diagnosed with breast cancer, started losing her hair. brought a bottle of wine and my clippers and she had some wine and I shaved her head. was a tough thing to do and we still talk about that 15 years later.

  3. Holy moley dude, what are you trying to DO to me?

    Here I am, trying to work after watching this during a break and running off at the eyes.

    If you are a survivior or know a survivor, like Brad and many others here, you know what I’m talking about.

    My wife’s eldest sister got small cell lung cancer some years ago. She was in the process of trying to raise a very young Special Needs child and work to help make ends meet and THIS was a HORRIBLE wrench to her and to her two sisters, who were a VERY close family for an assorment of reasons that go beyond sisterly bonds, so what affected one affected all.

    She did the radiation, the chemo, got sicker and lost her hair, and so my wife and her other sister got out the clippers and cut their hair off in solidarity and to show that a woman isn’t her hair but who she IS that makes her beautiful.

    I cannot describe how this gesture helped my SILs spirits and helped her to face not only her treatments but everyday life. Women in particular idenify with their hair (biblically too, “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering”, 1 Corinthians 11:15). Not every woman can be comfortable wearing a wig, and many women have difficulty facing doing everyday life activities with their appearance so radically changed. Other changes happen too, such as if you look at this lady around the eyes, that going bald just accentuates, so it is just misery on misery when a woman looks in the mirror after losing her hair, so having others around her in solidarity and in appearance does MUCH to help her just plain live her life at a time when her life is physically and emotionally being severely threatened and she’s ALREADY dealing with sickness, fatigue, and numerous digestive and skin issues plus the whole “Is this going to KILL me” thing, so she NEEDS the moral support of others in every way possible, and this just makes it visible that she is loved and tells the world that isn’t dependent on her apperance.

    Sadly my SIL did succumb to this killer disease, but she did get to do some things that eased her going and took some of the hell out of her last days. Not everyone gets to attend their own wake and while they didn’t call it that, because it seemed unlikely that she would see her actual birthday we had dozens of her friends and family members get together in a huge rented hall and show and tell her how much they loved her and how much she meant to them, complete with presents, cake, etc., and she would NOT have attended had not her sisters stood with her and eased her about her appearanace by altering theirs. She was able to stand before a camera and make a memorial for her young daughter to learn about her mother FROM her mother too, which is possibly the best gift of all.

    …come forward a decade or two, and now my WIFE, her sister, has this scourge, but her version in in her breast. Cancer is not fun wherever it chooses to set up shop, and this alters her appearance with not only hair loss from radiation but also because she needed a radical masectomy. Again her remaining sister stepped up, and although she couldn’t cut her breast she cut her hair, and some of her other freinds followed in like kind. I couldn’t do so because I only keep about a half inch most times anyway, and being an ugly shit in the best of circumstances I kind of naturally make her look more beautiful just by comparison, but she and I did appreciate the women that made that very feminine sacrifice in solidarity with her. She’s normally quite shy anyway and isn’t a big fan of having her picture taken, but I was able to get her to have HERS taken when she rang the bell at the cancer center to signfy that she had completed HER round of treatments, to the benefit and the uplift of the others gathered in the waiting room to give THEM hope that their treatment too may have a positive end.

    I’m not sure what God has in store for her, but we are almost a year closer to her joining the five year club, and the last time we asked they said she was cancer FREE. Praise the Lord for that, but we need to be vigilant. I hope she never has to go through that hell again, but it did help her through to have that support and I would imagine that’s quite an encoragement for the lady in this video as well.

    We’ve lost so many to this scourge, so many. I can’t list everyone that used to blog here for fear of missing one, there are so many. We have many more battling this demon today, be it breast or throat, lung or liver. I actually lost my dog last month to liver cancer, its so prevalent. I would wish cancer on no one and pray every day for the Lord to take it from this world.

    But do what you can to encorage a cancer patient today.

    Even if they say they don’t need it,

    They do.

    And a special H/T to our own Brad here. My wife was too shy to talk to “My Internet people” herself, but he was kind enough to reach out and helped ME, help HER; and I was able to pass his messages of support on to her as well, along with news of her milestones as an encoragement to him. Brad does more to help cancer patients as well even as he fights cancer himself, and that is no easy task. I don’t want to discuss too much in public that was said in private though, but this article makes me want to acknowledge him for what he does even if he doesn’t blow his own horn about it.

    Praying for him, my wife, and for all who face cancer to be healed of it by the Lord’s help and grace.

    Jeremiah 17:14 – “Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.”

    Thank you for posting this story.

    God Bless,

  4. I’ve shaved my head twice.
    Both times as a fundraiser for St. Baldricks.
    They raise money for research for childhood cancers.
    I did it in support of a friend who buried her 3 year old daughter who died from an aggressive cancer.
    Two weeks after burying her daughter, she gave birth to her second child.
    That was the most bittersweet time I have ever experienced.

  5. Thanks SNS, I hope I helped.

    Another thing, I’ve been a gym rat for ever. I was chomping at the bit to get back after treatment as soon as I could. The first day back one of the trainer that works out of my gym immediately approached me and asked what type of cancer, yada yada yada. I’d lost a ton of weight. Well it turns out this guy was working with an Oncology group out of the Mercy Medical group here in NorCal studying the results of resistance training and recovery from cancer treatment. He was getting remarkable results from all age groups. And then COVID stopped the program in it’s tracks. Something to keep in mind.

  6. For some reason I don’t get any sound with this video, but the message comes thru loud and clear!!
    Great gesture!

    And as usual, great commentary by SNS and Brad.


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