Barbra Streisand flew her cloned dogs to London to watch her perform – IOTW Report

Barbra Streisand flew her cloned dogs to London to watch her perform

Streisand reportedly also goes the extra mile for herself, with her biographer claiming that she demands her assistants sprinkle rose petals in her toilet. READ MORE

21 Comments on Barbra Streisand flew her cloned dogs to London to watch her perform

  1. The first of her dozen or so “farewell concerts” was at least 20 years ago, each followed soon by a “comeback concert”. Haven’t we suffered enough already?

  2. I guess it is hard for us peons to appreciate what rich and famous carries….. I am pretty old and have no desire to have anyone sprinkle rose petals on my toilet nor do I wish to bore my dogs with my “performances”…. the people in attendance are usually pretty bored..

  3. Her nose itself must use a lot of energy to maintain. She could help the environment by getting a nose job.

    Go minimal, Babs. Get rid of everything you don’t need, like that nose.

  4. Everyone who has ever attended one of that hags “farewell tours” should join a class action suite. I think she’s on her third so far this year, and has been doing them for 20 years that I can remember.

  5. I don’t care what she does with her money

    What I do care about is how these sanctimonious jerks preach to the rest of us about how we are supposed to live and then think that absolves them from doing what they tell us not to do.

    So until they all give up their jets and mansions and money for the greater good, they can all go to hell


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