Barrett Shouldn’t Answer Any Questions Until After She is Confirmed – IOTW Report

Barrett Shouldn’t Answer Any Questions Until After She is Confirmed

We are living in strange times.

A presidential candidate refuses to answer any questions about SCOTUS, saying , “you’ll find out what I think after I am elected.”

Meanwhile, the senate is asking the nominee for SCOTUS questions and demanding answers.

She should simply smile and say, “you’ll know what I think after I’m confirmed.”

Shouldn’t that be good enough?

14 Comments on Barrett Shouldn’t Answer Any Questions Until After She is Confirmed

  1. Sheldon Outhouse talking “THE SCHEME” where the Federalist Society and others are choosing the justices.
    So, it is evil that our President doesn’t turn to George Soros and the ACLU like the democrats do.

  2. The only questions that should be asked are in reference to her qualifications.
    She is supported by the constitution in refusing to answer questions on how she will rule on specific cases or in general.
    The left has hit a bulwark with this candidate, she’s not intimidated by the vultures.

  3. Jumped into the car late this afternoon and heard Senator Coons (Dimwit Delaware) as he tried to force Amy Barrett to commit to recusing herself from any election issues that might go to the SCOTUS. Sen Coons is a total waste of oxygen. Sen Hirono (Dimmer-wit Hawaii) was even worse.

    However, it was a delight hearing Amy make Coons and others eat RBG Cookies as she countered their points with RBG quotes that opposed the actions they were trying to force Amy to commit to doing if confirmed to the SCOTUS.


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