Barrett’s Hand Hardly Lowered Before AOC Tweeted This Out – IOTW Report

Barrett’s Hand Hardly Lowered Before AOC Tweeted This Out

32 Comments on Barrett’s Hand Hardly Lowered Before AOC Tweeted This Out

  1. …expand the court?

    Sure thing, toots.

    ..we’ll have President Trump add another 16 or so conservative judges during his second term just to honor your instructions to do so, so thanks for the suggestion and continue to enjoy the out years when President Trump continues to lead this nation as you revert to your former life of bartending and horse toothed blow jobs for the drunken fetish crowd…

  2. They know not what they ask for. Dverything backfires on these zombies. Clinton, Epstein, Hunter Humper, Hiden Biden, have been checkmated. God is in control. I see the wonder of it all. God works in mysterious ways.

  3. the only thing that needs ‘expanding’ is AOC’s brain

    actually, (in the immortal words of Chris Plante) if she had a brain, she’d be out in traffic playing w/ it

  4. If Trump wins and the GOP has a majority in the House and Senate he should begin to pack the court. Unless, he offers, both the House and Senate come up with a one page bill that limits the Supreme Court to only 9 Justices. Then he signs it and then no more threats to pack the court (though it might be better to go with a Constitutional amendment).

  5. Like VDH said tonight on Tucker:
    The Democrats failed to take the Senate in 2014, 2016 and 2018; lost the presidency. Ruth could have resigned years ago when she became deathly ill.
    It’s their fault they are watching what is happening.

  6. @MJA – you and me both…

    I just sent my brother an e-mail, EUGENE, Oregon, he was first on the list, because? He called me a Brown Shirt two weeks ago!!

  7. Wouldn’t it be something if Kagen and Sotomayor died of heart attacks tonight and Trump nominated two more judges tomorrow and the Senate confirmed them before election day?

  8. Dude…..I’m not gonna’sit here and read about sad, slinky, tits.
    Tits so sad they walk around with “out of order” notes on each one.

    Tits that remind you of the Edvard Munch ‘Scream’ painting… the kind of boobs that inspire mental patients to set fires..

    No bad boobs for me, please. Seen enough nipples too close making the boobs look cross eyed. Or those single giant boobs next to the little deflated one…so sad….

    Man… I’m depressed.

  9. Aaron

    Libtard tits are always sad. Something to do with old hippie genes. Sometimes that’s how you can spot them.
    They’re not really out of order, you just need to lay on your back to enjoy them.

  10. Funny how the socialists are all for expanding the court but insist on keeping the House fixed at 435 – where each member “represents” some 750,000 people!
    How’s that working?
    It’s bullshit, they know it, and that’s why we’re stuck with it.

    We threw it all away a long time ago – and nailed the coffin shut with the 16th and 17th Amendments.

    izlamo delenda est …


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