Battleground Michigan: Lawsuits challenge state’s coronavirus restrictions, ballot rules – IOTW Report

Battleground Michigan: Lawsuits challenge state’s coronavirus restrictions, ballot rules

State is ‘effectively under the personal rule of a single official,’ suit argues.

JTN: A pair of lawsuits filed against top-ranking state executives in Michigan seek to challenge the recent policies the two Democrats have put in place as part of their efforts to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak there.

The suits, filed by the Thomas More Society on behalf of several Michigan plaintiffs, argue that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have, respectively, suppressed political speech and unlawfully altered the state’s absentee voting system, according to a press release from the Thomas More Society.

One of the suits, filed in federal court, seeks to challenge several COVID-19 restrictions Whitmer has imposed via executive order on the state, namely limits on both indoor and outdoor gatherings; specifically, Whitmer has banned indoor gatherings that exceed 10 individuals and outdoor gatherings than exceed 100.  more

8 Comments on Battleground Michigan: Lawsuits challenge state’s coronavirus restrictions, ballot rules

  1. Trump was brilliant to let the states handle these restrictions and reopening. The next protests are going to be the people that are FED UP and they will be peaceful but forceful like in CO yesterday at the Stop The Covid Chaos Rally w/Michelle Malkin et al. Again Pelosi and Schumer don’t realize by not allowing the stimulus you are going to incite the people to demand to go back to work. And again it is blue states that are mostly preventing this not President Trump.

  2. …Our RINO goverenor wanted to help Sniffy The Joe out in Ohio during the primaries, so he tried to cancel the primaries and do mail-in later, was told NO by the Courts, and so had his baby-murdering actual witch “health adviser” cancel them instead, citing her broad powers in a ‘health crisis’, and so they did.

    No secretary of state needed.

    Whether they call themselves Democrats or not, tyrants WILL jack elections up, and even if you win in court LATER, it will be a done deal before you get there. Right now the plan is to screw the elections up so badly there’s no clear winner by January 20th, the Constitution times Trump and Pence out, and Pelosi becomes president by default.

    They WILL do it.

    You’ll see…

  3. What happens if Nutty Nancy is NIT reelected? There will need to be several back uo plans, You thunk these pantyfa riots are bad, there will be nationwide assemblies like they have never even thought about and ciivil disobedience on a huge scale.

  4. bob frapples
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 AT 3:59 PM
    “I’m in Ohio and just listened to Whitler’s press conference. I don’t think I’ve said the word Cunt out loud so many times ever before.”

    …that only means you never made it to the end of an Amy Acton press conference, fellow Ohioan, that word is completely true and applicable to HER, too…

  5. I just found out today that you can’t go to the Secretary of State offices in Michigan without an appointment? I am planning on buying a car from my niece on September 14th when I return the car I have been leasing. Anyways, I looked it up at their site and there are no available appointments until December 29th. I need to transfer the title and my license plate. You can’t do that online. WTH?


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