Battles over AIDS privacy should block vaccine passports – IOTW Report

Battles over AIDS privacy should block vaccine passports


…gays were terribly worried that they would be stigmatized as modern-day lepers. That is, merely being gay would imply that someone carried a contagious disease with a 100% mortality rate.

This stigma meant that gays were denied health insurance, jobs, medical care, etc., simply because they were gay, irrespective of their actual health, Medical privacy suddenly became extremely important.

To protect against a stigma that applied whether or not someone had AIDS, the gay lobby successfully mounted a campaign to make a person’s health status completely private. That health campaign was eventually federalized in 1996 as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (aka HIPAA).

HIPAA completely muzzles health care providers from sharing any health information about a patient without the patient’s explicit permission. The point is to ensure that, if someone has AIDS or any other contagious disease, that information is strictly between the patient and his healthcare providers. Employers don’t get to know. Family members, insurance companies other than the one currently covering the patient, airlines, sports stadiums, etc. — as to all of them, the information is in a lockbox and they don’t have the key.


ht/ c. steven tucker

26 Comments on Battles over AIDS privacy should block vaccine passports

  1. “Should”.. here’s hoping.

    That, and the fact that they don’t require ID everywhere to get the Jab because that would be racist. It could make Vaxports problematic. I expect they’ll take care of that little ID problem in the next cull. Probably tag you within the jab.

  2. Homo’s are a politically correct protected class, non covid vaccinated people are not.

    So I doubt the HIPPA laws would apply to them.

    We’ll soon know so start deciding how you will handle it when proof of vaccination is both required and court approved.

  3. The Marxist bastards are equating non-Vader’s with Pro-Trumpers. It’s strictly about communist propaganda and control if the masses.

    That is all it’s ever been, and PDJT was a fool to go along with it. He was going to be crucified either way and he should have flanked it by leaving the economy open.

    Now that the senile pedophilic corpse has been installed it’s just another commie tactic to isolate and destroy freedom loving patriots that refuse to conform.

    I am a federal contractor for the Army and the pressure is really on my employer to gain access to my health information. We are being asked to “volunteer” our immunization status.

    The next shoe to drop will be mandatory vaccinations for our troops the minute one of the shots is approved by the FDA, and our security clearances will be revoked if we refuse to reveal private health info.

  4. Our only hope is, and it’s a good one, that Democrat politicians will overreach too quickly and cause a backlash.

    Having said that, if Republicans cannot make gains in the next couple election cycles, we’re screwed.

  5. “… if Republicans cannot make gains in the next couple election cycles, we’re screwed.”

    Republicans are as much a part of the problem as Democrats.

    Maybe more since they seem to be able to divert conservative dissatisfaction with the direction of government away from any effective action that could change it.

  6. “Then dig a hole and crawl into it.”


    I take it you’re a Republican and unwilling to look at the Republican track record you seem to support.

    As for me, I’m not a Republican and prefer to do things that may have some real effect someday.

    Things like pointing out that Republicans are dominated by Leftist thinkers and mostly agree with their overall goals, differing only on who gets to implement them and to what extent they are applied.

  7. They’ll declare the vaccines are not experimental anymore, then they’ll give and exception to queers with hiv just like they gave unions an exception to obamacare, then they’ll keep right on defecating on every law on the books.

    And why wouldn’t they? It’s not like there is anybody to stop them. The DOJ won’t stop them. The republican party in wash dc will not stop them.

  8. Anonymous (9:41am)
    Don’t pretend that Republicans are even close to being as bad as Democrats. Pick a side. And yes, there are only two. Libertarians have had 50 years to make a difference and they’ve failed. Tea Party? Forget it. MAGA? Whatever.

    Or you can be a defeatist and just dig that hole.

  9. To those of you who cannot or will not express a little hope that this will accomplish what we all want – NO VACCINE PASSPORT crap, I have something to say.

    I know I’ve harped on this before, but can’t you have a little faith that there are more of us than them? Why give them what they want? They want us to give up. They are actually doing what they are doing to make us give up.

    Republican/Conservative/Patriot, they all have the potential of being traitors OR heroes. I’m not giving up hope that the elections will eventually be fair and free of fraud. How many states have now banned mail-in ballots? How many have passed laws that state they will not obey unconstitutional mandates/Executive orders or even laws passed by congress?

    You’re free to express your opinion, but give us a break. Stop saying the same thing in every post about how we are through as a nation; how nothing will happen; how screwed we are and everyone should just take it.

    I’m not going to take it. I’m praying and hoping until the day I die.

  10. Agreed Claudia.

    If a lefty were to come here and try to deflate any semblance of hope so we give up even trying – how would their posts be any different?

    Stop acting like the enemy, guys.

  11. Delusionville.

    The deep state/leftist run this country and it does not matter who is elected.

    We voted in Trump and we got Fauci running the country while trump bitched about it on twitter. Unreal.

    There were people ‘hoping’ at the end of the roman empire, too, i’m sure.

    If the policies are negative, there will be negative results now matter how much hope you have. And we cannnot get a republican in wash dc to stand up for republican policies. (when it counts) sure, there are plenty of them that will make a barn burner speech….AFTER IT IS TOO LATE.

  12. “HIPPA also protects doctors from many class action lawsuits”

    That was removed when they passed 0bamacare.
    Oh, the word may still be there, but the laws upholding it have been chipped away. That’s why you don’t hear much about HIPAA violations [by medical professionals] anymore.

  13. Claudia- That’s true.

    And for the amount of time it takes us to write a 4 paragragh complaint about what the R and D from our state is doing,or not doing, we could have copy pasted it and sent it off to the R and D. Or the AG, or the DA or the Gov., too.

    Go ball bust your committees who select the candidates.
    Get their info and show up to their meetings, because, trust me, they aren’t here reading your comments.

  14. RacerX,

    They can’t (so far) but the insidious pressure from corporate hacks can determine promotability, who gets scheduled to work, pay raises, evaluations, etc.

    There are a thousand little ways they can cut you without violating current law.

    I will not comply with getting vaccinated as I followed every stupid worthless Wu Flu procedure demanded by the Post Commander and still caught Rona at work.

    From a purely scientific point of view I am already vaccinated since I have as many (if not more) antibodies than someone who got the shot.

    Of course this is the first flu in history not to follow normal scientific behaviors as they bend the arc of scientific history to suit their narratives or commie control.


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