BBC boss claims marauding illegals are like Joseph, Mary and Jesus – IOTW Report

BBC boss claims marauding illegals are like Joseph, Mary and Jesus

bbc ahmed

Express UK– BBC religious chief Aaqil Ahmed sparked fresh fury yesterday by comparing migrants who sneak illegally into Britain to the “Holy Family” of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.

He claimed the Biblical flight from King Herod to Bethlehem was similar to that of refugees massing at Calais in a bid to get through the Channel Tunnel.

Mr Ahmed, the first Muslim to head religion at the BBC, made the comments in a blog defending the decision to film an episode of BBC’s Songs of Praise from the Calais refugee camp “The Jungle” – more

24 Comments on BBC boss claims marauding illegals are like Joseph, Mary and Jesus

  1. First of all, idiot moslem, they were NOT fleeing King Herod by going to Bethlehem. They were obeying the law that made them go to Bethlehem to register.

    Second, if you had bothered to actually READ the Bible, “BBC religious chief”, you would know that. I doubt you even opened the cover. Yet you bow down to that shithead goat fucker in your Satan-inspired koran, don’t you?

  2. What do you expect? This is a guy who gets spiritual guidance from a guy who has sex with children, thinks if you strap explosives to yourself you’ll get 70 virgins for you and your friends and gets a hard on when he sees goat anus.

    Every day Europeans show us just how far gone the continent is.

  3. Don’t blame these goat fucking, child raping, cave dwellers. They are doing what they want to do and do not apologize for it. Blame the rest of the world that allows it.

  4. Remind that sick sack of crap muzzie that there are no longer any Christians in Bethlehem or Mosul or lots of places where Christians were either KILLED BY MUZZIES or ran off by them. heh, HIS fellow muzzbruzz and he’s getting fucking smart… should lose him job for being insensitive to Christians.

  5. This HAS to be a Leftist talking point. My neighbor’s lib (female) pastor gave a Christmas Eve homily SOME YEARS AGO, likening the messcan illegals to the Holy Family.

  6. His audience are obviously barbaric heathens who never read The Holy Bible. They will believe anything he says. Joseph and Mary were LEGAL residents OBEYING the law.

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