BBC Offends Muslims with Pig Roast – IOTW Report

BBC Offends Muslims with Pig Roast

In an innocent effort to celebrate the Common Wealth Games (that are finishing up today in Glasgow, Scotland), the BBC  hosted a pig roast on Friday outside their offices in London.

Which also happened to be under the windows of the Arabic TV service.

Read the story here



33 Comments on BBC Offends Muslims with Pig Roast

  1. When they pull that pig off the heat they need a girl in a bikini on each end and parade it thru the halls of the arabic tv station. That will get the attention of those inbred bastards.

  2. Too. Damn. Bad.

    I’m offended that their women are forced to look like walking coffins (as the French call them) in Hefty bags.

    I’m offended knowing that each Muslim man would as soon kill me as look at me.

    Get over it or go back home.

  3. Moslems are offended by this;

    Moslems are offended by that;

    Is there anything that doesn’t offend moslems?

    Fuck them AND their Satanic Moon Cult and its founder, mohamhead!

  4. What Annie said.
    Britain has so many moslem “refugees” who in truth don’t want refuge at all; they just want to be the ones on top making the rules.

  5. That pig looks sooo good.
    I stopped by the local BBQ on the way home this afternoon. Good thing. After seeing that picture I’d have jumped back into the car and headed out there if I hadn’t already been.

  6. This should happen every Friday!
    I am so tired of Islam and how easily offended it is.
    I used to be tolerant and THEY have made me intolerant.
    Time for you to tolerate us and our love of FREEDOM.

  7. My muzzie neighbor is always having muzzie parties. He comes around a few days ahead of time to ask if he can use my parking spaces. “Sure,” I tell him; “what time”? Then I make sure to sit on the deck dinking Scotch Whiskey, smoking fine cigars, and grilling Pork upwind from them.

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