“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” – IOTW Report

“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”



Happy Birthday, Marines! 

Sorry- I’m a tad late! 😉

29 Comments on “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

  1. Created, I think, as a response to Muzzie natural, but bad behavior in the 18th century.
    The only positive contribution of muzzles to American history, traditions & culture.
    In contrast to the statements of the Muzzie soon to be evicted from the WH.

  2. Marines are the best men in the world next to the Army. Happy birthday girls.I here you’re eating bananas sideways these days in the mess hall, for fear of being accused of ….. well something.
    Semper FI.

  3. Just got home from our Marine Corps Birthday Celebration. We usually have about 120 people show up for dinner at the Elks Lodge. Every year we have fewer and fewer WWII vets attend. In the ceremony you have the Oldest Marine and the Youngest Marine in the room cut the cake. This year they were 94 and 52. As you can guess we’re in a retirement community.

  4. “They got us surrounded, poor bastards, now we can shoot in every direction.”
    “I come in peace, with good intentions, and without artillery, but if you fuck with me, I kill every fucking one of you.”

  5. Tomorrow is Veterans Day, my bar bill is gonna be YUGE.
    I was never a Marine but do owe my life to a couple.
    No Marine ever has an empty glass if I’m around.
    Parris Island is just a hop, skip and jump away, like I said, YUGE.

  6. From a Navy veteran, God bless the Marines. My nephew a Navy Lt. J.G. once called the marines the Men’s dept. of the Navy and I have another nephew who is going to Quantico next year to be a Marine Corps officer. And two other nephews who were in the Marines and were in Iraq, one coming home with a Purple Heart after an IED explosion nearly killed him. May God bless my Marine friends George and Doug both Vietnam veterans and especially Kip, a Navy Corpsman who served with the Marines in Vietnam. And to my Uncle Bob who survived Iwo Jima and other battles in the Pacific as a Marine in World War 2. May God bless all the veterans today on Veterans day, I’m wearing my USS Kitty Hawk CV-63 cap today proudly.

  7. Semper Fi, Brother Marines and Corpsmen.

    A hearty squared away Salute to all those Veterans of the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard who choose to serve their country above self-interests.

  8. Just a bit of history reminder – the Marines became leathernecks because of “friendly” moslems slitting their throats in N. Africa. Tripoli is in their anthem for a good reason.

  9. With the deepest gratitude for a life of Freedom:
    Every Soldier, man or woman who peeled a ‘tater, trained a raw recruit, fixed a jeep, bulldozed a road, watched a bus, filled out endless reports, stood guard in the rain, strafed a position, stomped through the mud, saw death so I wouldn’t have to, got hurt, endured privations, ate cold food, and stood in the line of fire between me and the evil that is out there,

    Thank you, I am grateful
    And to the Marines: Happy Birthday!

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