Be Sure to Wear Eye Protection On “Fat Beach Day” This Summer – IOTW Report

Be Sure to Wear Eye Protection On “Fat Beach Day” This Summer

WBBM Chicago

In an effort to allow people to be themselves, “Fat Beach Day” events are popping up across the country, offering plus-size people a chance to gather and be themselves at the beach.

The organizer of one of the events, which took place on Saturday in Far Rockaway, New York, Jordan Underwood, spoke with the Guardian about the event and why it’s important.

“We’re going through something culturally that is impacting us every day on an individual level and a systemic level,” Underwood told the Guardian. “We’re really trying to open up a space for people to be themselves.” More

28 Comments on Be Sure to Wear Eye Protection On “Fat Beach Day” This Summer

  1. I’m finding there are more people unwilling to admit age had taken its toll on their bodies and I don’t want to be witness to their physical downfalls that they are in denial over.

  2. “…on an individual level and a systemic level…”

    It’s possible the reference to “systemic” would applie to fertilizing the beach goers similarly to rose plants to fight disease. This is speculation, however.


    The Libtards have made it perfectly acceptable to let yourself turn into a fat pig. In fact they encourage it. After all, working out requires far to much energy and discipline. Fucking tubby s are every where. Usually with pink hair and sequenced combat boots. And that’s just the guys.

  4. was in Puerto Rico a couple of months ago, there were numerous people that could have been mistaken for a pod of beached whales. no shame either, 350 pounds+ squeezed into a thong bikini with what appeared to be a fishing net cover up, continually stuffing snacks and drinks into their maws. horrifying. amusing to have the parasail vendors and jet ski vendors plainly tell them they were too fat to ride.

  5. I’ll bet money that if you showed up to Fat Day At The Beach in shape they’d chase you out. A couple months ago I read that some fat group was complaining about lean muscular people. It seems lean muscular people make fat people feel bad and that shouldn’t be allowed.

  6. No one around? I run naked if I want. People around? Cover it. If it isn’t pretty near perfect, cover that shit up! And, just to be a punchbowl floater, if people see it and gasp and cover their mouth… leave that shit home! Don’t bring it out! Have a heart!

  7. Last time I went to the beach, I was trying to sunbath and other beach goers were trying to drag me into the water yelling “quick, he’ll die if we don’t return him to the ocean.”

    For beach devotees, two observations:

    1. Speedos on men over 45 should be a felony punishable by substantial jail time.
    2. Avoid nude beaches. People are generally way more attractive wearing swimsuits than going in the buff.

  8. @Brad: “I’ll bet money that if you showed up to Fat Day At The Beach in shape they’d chase you out.”

    I don’t think the fatties are up for very much chasing.


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