Beach Blanket Fecal – IOTW Report

Beach Blanket Fecal


Swimmers have been warned to avoid several Maine beaches after officials made a repugnant discovery in the water.

Beaches in Portland, Ogunquit, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Camden, Rockport and more were flagged for high levels of bacteria on Friday, reported News Center Maine.

While members of the Maine Healthy Beaches program conducted routine testing, officials discovered alarming levels of enterococci bacteria – microorganisms that indicate possible contamination by fecal waste. More

16 Comments on Beach Blanket Fecal

  1. Decades ago, there was a scuba diver exploring the ocean floor near the Santa Monica pier, and found numerous plastic egg-like objects.

    He brought them to the boat and found that they contained a message to call a phone number because these objects were part of a USC study. He did and, upon informing them of the location where found, was told that they were simply flushed down the toilets of the USC campus.

    Have a nice swim.

  2. Cities am towns on sea and fresh water have been dumping raw sewage into adjacent atreas for centuries. Start owning up cities…or could just be that illegal aliens bring their third world with them like a funk.

  3. Gee … and Maine’s recently had a great influx of rat-people … you don’t think … naw …

    Yeah, must be bird shit … like there weren’t birds there before …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Guess who has been going to the beach now?
    You guessed it!
    Illegals, mostly from Africa.
    The state govt won’t make the connection though.
    That would be raaacciiissss

  5. Illegals?
    Maybe, but my money is on the shithead liberals visiting from Mass and New Jersey.
    Liberals destroy everything they touch.

  6. Go to Maine and shit in the water.

    Enterococci bacteria, eh? Take a sip of that and see what happens!

    “Important clinical infections caused by Enterococcus include urinary tract infections (see Enterococcus faecalis), bacteremia, bacterial endocarditis, diverticulitis, meningitis, and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.” -Wikipedia

  7. Tony R, the state claims it is caused by storms.
    Um, nope.
    We’ve had storms forever and this hasn’t happened like this since before the water treatment plants were built in the 1960’s. Only once or twice when there were breakdowns.


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