Beach Goers Beware – 29 Of the Poopiest Beaches in America – IOTW Report

Beach Goers Beware – 29 Of the Poopiest Beaches in America

USA Today

The Environment America Research and Policy Center study looked at the number of days in 2018 that the water had bacteria counts exceeding Environmental Protection Agency standards, which can potentially sicken swimmers.

Most days of the year, beaches are safe, but researchers found bacteria counts can spike on certain days, and fecal matter from people or animals is the chief culprit. It comes when sewers overflow or when fecal waste on streets washes into streams or creeks that flow to lakes or the ocean. A co-author of the study said more work needs to be done to clean up lakes and oceans.  More

14 Comments on Beach Goers Beware – 29 Of the Poopiest Beaches in America

  1. This reminds me of a story. Back in 82′ I was part of a 5,000 BSA encampment in the middle of nowhere Illinois. The Troop I was a part of traveled all the way from Minnesota to get there. The first night night some guy on a P.A. system read us a Telegram congratulating us on the BSA shindig and when it got to the part “signed POTUS Ronald Reagan” it sounded like a bomb went off with the cheers. Good times, good timnes. Anywhoo- middle of nowhere Illinois on the east bank of the Mississippi river in June equals hot & humid and only 1 pool for 5,000 “young men” is not a fun day in the pool for all; at least not on the same day theoretically. (The “young men” will be explained) Well, the powers that be told us the pool had to be shared; groups would be assigned day and time that they could swim and there would be no room for a 2nd swim. Our lot was to get to swim in the pool on the last day (it was about a week long excursion). We understood the math and patiently waited for our turn. Well, the day before it was out turn the pool was closed down because the “young men” before us were in fact savages. When we heard the news we walked down to the pool to see for ourselves and the water was brown. To say I was fit to be tied does not come close; that was probably one of two times that I was the actually ready to committing the act of murder if given the ways and means.

    The point I’m driving at is 3,000 unwashed teenage boys can strain a man made pool to the point of failure. Anyone can wrap their minds around that. What in the hell is going on that beaches adjacent to the (impious expletive) PACIFIC OCEAN (you know, the largest body of water in the world that is constantly being cycled via the tide every single second of the day, 24/7/365) that the beach can be unsafe for people to swim there because of human waste? Whoever has jurisdiction over those beaches should be prosecuted for dereliction of duty. I mean, we are not talking a baby having a massive blow out just ruined the day for everyone at the beach on that particular day. The waist must be on a scale of metric tons; it boggles the mind I tell you.

  2. Galveston Island Beach ain’t on the list
    thank goodness.I think the rip currents we
    have wash some of the po po away.Also claims
    2-3 drunk Mexican dudes every year for at least
    26 years that I know of.

  3. American cities, for the last 100+ years have spent trillions of dollars to clean sewage before dumping it into oceans and rivers. Now, all that is undone when useless bums drop their pants and shit wherever and whenever the urge strikes, with zero consequences to THEM. Shop owners and residents have no choice but to hose the effluent down the gutter and into the storm drain where it goes untreated into theses same rivers and oceans. The people need to sue each of these cities for violations of the clean water act for billions of dollars. Maybe THAT will force them to do something about the disgusting homeless problem. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.

  4. I am 75 and ever since I was 5 or 6 it was perfectly safe to run barefoot through the park abd beaches. How sad that so many traditions have disappeared. I hope it’s still safe to take off my showes in my own back yard. America’s decline is so sad to witness.


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